SQ3R Help with dealing with Bookwork - Reading a Chapter & Answering Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

SQ3R Help with dealing with Bookwork - Reading a Chapter & Answering Questions

SQ3R SURVEY –Scan the chapter –Look at the BOLD items –Look at the Pictures –Look at the Diagrams

SQ3R Question –Take the title of each section and turn it into a Question

SQ3R Reading –Read each section, thinking about the question you made.

SQ3R Recite –Answer the question for each section in your own words.

SQ3R Review –Review each section at the end with the question.

SQ3R Survey Question Reading Recite Review

Disclaimer Aloha I put together these power points for use in my science classes. You may use them in your classes. Some images are public domain, some are used under the fair-use provisions of the copyright law, some are mine. Copyright is retained by the owners! Ted Brattstrom