The Colonies Come of Age: England and its Colonies U.S. I Mr. Pinto Chapter 3 Section 1
England and its Colonies Prosper English Colonies exported raw materials to England and received manufactured goods. Colonists benefited from the trade relationship with Britain, but the purpose of the relationship was to enrich Britain. Mercantilism - A country’s ultimate goal was self-sufficiency and that all countries were in a competition to acquire the most gold and silver.
Mercantilism Examples Non Examples Government imposes very strict controls on a colonial economy Discourages colonies from producing manufactured goods Encourage colonies to buy goods from the mother country Trade with other countries is restricted Government doesn’t control the economy but does regulate to make sure everyone participates fairly Individuals free to produce whatever they want Individuals free to buy from any country Free trade
Mercantilism Jig-Saw In your group, analyze the Tenant of Mercantilism that you have been assigned and summarize it in your own words 8-10 minutes) After your group has determined its response, choose 1 person to write it on the board. We will go over your responses as a class.
Nine Tenants of Mercantilism One: Experiment with every form of plant to obtain its usefulness. Discovery of gold and silver is most important Two: All raw materials should be manufactured into something useful Three: More people = More manufacturing; All people must work Four: No spending of gold and silver outside the country; Small reserve; money should be used
Nine Tenants of Mercantilism Five: No foreign products, unless there’s no alternative Six: If foreign goods are needed, they should be traded for (no gold or silver) Seven: If foreign goods are needed, they should be purchased in raw form and manufactured in home country Eight: Exported goods should be manufactured and sold for gold or silver Nine: Do not import goods that could be bought at home, even if they are cheaper
In Class Response How do Tenants 6-9 encourage trade amongst the mother country and her colonies When a nation does not have all the resources available, they are to import the raw materials and make a product that can bring them economic wealth. American colonies allow England to import and trade materials w/o necessarily importing from other nations. Colonies provide the resources for England they would have gained elsewhere by international trade.
Triangular Trade A three-way trading process where the leading nation traditionally benefits most. A network of trade routes crisscrossing the Northern and Southern colonies, the West Indies, England, Europe, and Africa. Carried an array of traded goods, from furs and fruit to tar and tobacco, as well as African people.
9/27 Do Now Describe in 3-4 sentences how English Parliament (Law-making body) can make sure the American colonies follow England’s policy of mercantilism?
Individual Work Draw a diagram explaining mercantilism and another explaining triangular trade
The Navigation Acts (pg. 68) Colonists began exporting goods to other European countries Parliament passes the Navigation Acts – A series of laws restricting colonial trade No country Could trade with the colonies unless the goods were shipped in either colonial or English ships All vessels had to be operated by crews that were at least ¾ English or colonial The colonies could export certain products only to England Almost all goods trade between the colonies and Europe first had to pass through an English port.
The Navigations Acts In Class Work Colonist merchants – I have presented you with laws England is trying to enforce on the colonies. Choose 3 acts to respond to. You will brainstorm with your group members three (3) things that you would do to try to get around each law. British Parliament – The colonists are making too much money for themselves by selling items throughout Europe. What three (3) laws would you institute in order to ensure more gold and silver get to England? (Remember: you can’t be too obvious)
10/1 Do Now – Respond in 3-4 sentences and explain your response Scenario 1 – At the beginning of your freshman year, your parents tell you that you have no curfew but should be home at a reasonable hour. For 3 Years, you never come home past 1. The day you get your license, your parents decide to give you an 11 pm curfew. How would you react?
Dominion of New England Mass. Colonists resistant to acts 1684, King Charles II revokes N.E.’s charter (now a royal colony) His brother James II, names Sir Edmond Andros ruler of the Dominion of New England (N.J. to Maine) N.E. send Increase Mather to negotiate w/ James Glorious Revolution led to overthrow of James His daughter Mary and her husband William take the throne.
Glorious Revolution Andros is arrested William and Mary issue new charter to Massachusetts King appoints governor of colony Religious toleration Non-Puritan reps in assembly
Salutary Neglect 1688, England turns attention toward France Salutary Neglect – Beneficial neglect where England relaxed its enforcement of most regulations in return for economic loyalty from colonies Colonies developed a taste for self-governing but were still loyal British subjects
10/2 Do Now – Be sure to explain your response in 3-4 sentences Would your parents’ use of salutary neglect help you grow in a mature way or would it be a negative deterrent to your growth as a young adult? (Be honest)
Olaudah Equiano Quiz Choose 2 of 3 questions and respond on a separate sheet of paper 1. What point was Equiano trying to make by including details about life in Africa? 2. What was Equiano’s purpose in describing the cruel treatment he witnessed on the middle passage? 3. Why do you think Equiano used both moral and economic arguments to urge ending the slave trade?