MESOAMERICA EQ: 1) What is Mesoamerica? 2) What are some contributions from Mesoamerica & how do they impact us? 3) How does the development of Mesoamerica compare to the development of other civilizations?
What is Mesoamerica? Aka Middle America Central America & Mexico
THE OLMECS BCE 1 st major American civilization Settled along the gulf coast of Mexico Devoted to religion, priests were honored
MAYAS-Farming & Trade Advanced agricultural society Most Mayans were farmers Men cultivated, women made food $$$ from profitable trade system Traded across Central America Honey, cocoa
MAYAS-Religion Priests held very high social positions Elaborate rituals held to ensure good harvests & war victories Only the priests could conduct these rituals
MAYAS-Social Structure Distinct social hierarchy Each city-state had a ruling chief 1) Chief 2) Nobles City officials & military leaders 3) Farmers Ruling class mostly male, but women could obtain some power
MAYAS-Contributions Agriculture Grew more than enough food Raised fields in the rainforest Architecture Giant pyramid temples & palaces Paintings & carvings about history
MAYAS-Contributions Education: Advanced Learning & Science Hieroglyphic writing, books made of bark Priests created accurate 365 day calendar Number system and concept of 0 before Europeans
Archaeological Dig
Inside temple-no windows
DECLINE OF THE MAYAS Around 900CE, the Mayas abandoned their cities… Why? Experts still not certain... Warfare? Overpopulation leading to lack of food? Lower classes revolt? Language still spoken in Guatemala & southern Mexico