Data & Probability Math Methods II
Common Core State Standards Statistics & Probability Interpreting categorical and quantitative data S-ID Data on a single count or measurement variable Data on two categorical and quantitative variables Interpret linear models Making inferences and justifying conclusions S-IC Evaluate random processes underlying statistical experiments Sample surveys, experiments and observational studies Conditional probability & rules of probability S-CP Use independence & conditional probability to interpret data Compute probabilities of compound events in uniform model Use probability to make decisions S-MD Calculate expected values and use to solve problems Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions
Hot Dog Eating Contest What questions do you have?
Hot Dog Eating Contest In 2004, Takeru Kobayashi set the world record for hot dog eating with 53.5 dogs in 12 minutes. He broke his record in 2012 by eating 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Create a table in Core Math: Data Analysis of how many hot dogs he eats in total per minute.
Core Math Scatterplots Movable line--estimate regression Least Squares Model line Confidence Bands (95%, 99%) Models: exponential, power, logarithmic, cubic
The Blood Drive In the United States, approximately 10% of the population has type B blood. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB and can receive from a person with type B or type O blood.In the United States, approximately 10% of the population has type B blood. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB and can receive from a person with type B or type O blood. There is a shortage of type B blood so you are going to run a blood drive. What is the probability that you will get at least 4 type B blood donors if 20 come to the blood drive in one day?There is a shortage of type B blood so you are going to run a blood drive. What is the probability that you will get at least 4 type B blood donors if 20 come to the blood drive in one day?
Tinkerplots/FathomTinkerplots/Fathom Data analysis tool Frequencies, histograms, mean, median, box plots Fathom is more comprehensive
Final Class: Lead Discussion 1. Problem: Identify a problem that lends itself to discussion. Allow 5 minutes to complete/try the problem or let us know ahead. 2. Differentiation : For students who get through the problem more quickly, be ready with an extension of the problem. 3. Anticipation : what issues are there with students’ thinking with this problem? Cite an entry in the Encyclopedia of Algebraic Thinking or one article (consider using Google Scholar and/or ERIC). Explain what you will be looking for as your students discuss this problem. 4. Objective(s): State what you hope to achieve. SWBT…
Final Class: Lead Discussion 5. Standard(s): State at least one content Common Core State Standard and Mathematical Practice that you are addressing with this discussion 6. Math Practices for Discussion: Use math practices as you lead us in conversation about the problem. You have minutes for discussion. a. Anticipating students’ solutions b. Monitoring student work on the task c. Selecting approaches and students to share them d. Sequencing students’ presentations purposefully e. Connecting students’ approaches and the underlying mathematics 7. Reflection: Turn in the problem, citation and explanation of anticipated student thinking, objective(s), and standard(s), and a 1-2 paragraph reflection on what you learned about your studen ts’ thinking vs. what you anticipated through the discussion.