Volunteer Tutoring Online Tutoring Supplemental Instruction Learning 101 Study Skills Lab Speed Reading Academic Success Program Academic Coaching Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Graduate Student Services Academic Resource Library
Free Tutors Tutors are top UNT students Available to ALL UNT students Available in many different courses
Available during select times in afternoon and evening Wide range of courses Provided through live tutoring and online discussion board
Targets traditionally difficult courses Peer facilitated group study sessions SI Leaders hold 3 sessions per week Develop skills for future courses Courses include: -Biology, Chemistry-History -Political Science-Music Theory -English-Anthropology -Statistics-Philosophy
Offered throughout the year Workshops meet for one hour Rotating schedule and topics Topics include: - Time Management - Learning Styles - Note Taking - Critical Thinking - Test Taking - Managing Stress - Presentation Skills
Offered throughout the year 5 week series, meets once per week Small group $20 fee Topics include: -Time Management-Note Taking -Test Preparation-Motivation
Offered throughout the year 5 week series, meets once per week $30 fee Topics include: -Comprehension -Increasing Speed -Memory
Offered year-round Required for Academic Alert students Students will be contacted 90 min group session Topics Include: -Study Skills-Campus Resources -Note Taking-Test Taking Tips
Individualized Academic Assistance One-on-one meetings with our staff available year-round Assists in developing goals and an unique plan of action for academic success. Online request form
Research Skills Series Stats 101 Tutoring Guide to Getting In Entrance & Certification Exam Prep
State mandated college readiness program that requires testing and coursework options Provide: TSI Assessment testing TSI Assessment preparation resources TSI Advising on coursework options if not exempt
Books and computer assisted instruction Exam preparation materials -CPA-LSAT -DAT-MCAT -GMAT-TExES -GRE-TOEFL
Attend and participate in EVERY class Visit professors during their office hours Refer often to your course syllabus Ask questions Use a planner Attend campus events and join organizations Prepare thoroughly for exams and assignments (DON’T CRAM!) Start a study group Use your campus resources
Accounting Lab Chemistry Resource Center Computer Science & Engineering Lab Economics Help Center Finance Lab History Help Center Math Lab Physics Instructional Center Writing Lab Trio Programs
Sage Hall, Room LearningCenter.unt.edu