November 16th, 2012 KEY CLUB
Finalized T-Shirt They will be here soon!
Committees Recycling – Anthony N. & Tracy T. DCON – Chloe T. & Katie L. Fundraising – Amelia B. & Cleo T. A way to get really involved in the club and assume a leadership role Committees will begin meeting next Friday and will continue to meet on Friday’s when we don’t have General Meetings.
DCON Cap of 32 members (20 open positions) Selection will be based on attendance of club events (we’ll keep track!), meeting attendance, and an application 3 Key Club events (minimum) 2 Fundraisers (minimum)
Northwest Harvest! Saturday, December 8 th, 1pm-3pm We need 20 people! You get to package food Contact Tracy Tran to sign up!
Hometeam Harvest Saturday, December 1 st 6:30am-9:30am Collect donations and help organize food! Warm food is provided! Limited to 8 spots! …..Video? Contact Tracy Tran to sign up!
Ridgewood Tutoring November 5 th, 3:15- 4:00 PM Grades K- 6 Math and Reading subjects You can still sign up! Very Easy! Contact Anthony Nguyen if interested!
Operation Christmas Child We need donations! Please donate as much as you can, it cost $7 to ship each box. Please and thank you!
Blood Drive November 30 th ! If you want to be a runner, contact Anthony Nguyen To donate blood: Be at least 16 years old Have parental permission! At least 110 pounds SIGN UPS STARTED!
Reduce Styrofoam! Did you know: A Styrofoam coffee cup discarded today will remain in landfill space for close to 500 years. 100+ cities in the US have banned Styrofoam, including Seattle Key Club’s Recycling Committee is starting a campaign to reduce Styrofoam! These facts and more will be posted around the lunch lines starting after Thanksgiving. Spread the word!
Sponsor Homeless Chargers! Kentridge High School has 5 homeless Chargers 3 guys, 2 girls! Please donate items like Mittens, Gloves, Hats, Scarves, Small Items, Gift cards We’re going to try to fill a stocking or gift bag for each of them, bring items to B-5! Every 3 items is a ½ an hour of service! Contact Anthony Nguyen for more information
Trick or Treat for UNICEF Thank you!
How to contact us… us! Text/Call us! Facebook Pages Join the “Kentridge Key Club” group Website
Recycling After school EVERY Friday Meet in Room B-5 Go to different areas of the school in groups and pick up recycling First come, first serve Need all the help we can get!
Attendance! Freshman: Michelle Nguyen Sophomore: Jenny Feng Junior: Louie Edrozo Senior: Andrew Zou
November 30 th ! NEXT MEETING