Scottie Highlights Thursday, October 23, 2014
Blood Drive The blood drive is Friday, October 24th. Sign ups are outside room A-6. Sixteen and seventeen year-old students need parent permission. Everyone needs an ID to donate blood.
Seniors All football, golf, tennis, cross country, athletic trainers, and cheerleaders participating in senior night this Friday need to pick up a senior night form from Mr. Buttermore today.
NHS members If you’re working the Nashport kindergarten reading night this evening, please be there by 6:30
Service Hours There is an opportunity for service hours at the middle school book fair during late October and early November. Please see Mrs. Maddox in B-10 to sign up.
The Band Classic All cars must be out of all parking lots by noon on Saturday. If you stay past noon please park by the bus garage
Muskingum county community youth foundation Donate any old jackets or coats to the box in the commons.
Seniors and Freshmen Jostens will be back on Wednesday during lunches to take orders for class rings, caps & gowns and graduation announcements.
Akron Children’s This is your chance to sort through childhood books and win a chance for a Chipotle Burrito Lunch. FCCLA is sponsoring this book drive for Akron Children’s Hospital. Five new or gently used books will earn a chance for the lunch. Collections begin today and last until October 24th. Fifty winners will be draw, and you can only win once.
Sophmores Please have your Mid East permission slip turned in to student services by Friday
Juniors Voting for class officers will take place on Monday during English. Prom meeting Thursday in T-18 at 2:25 all juniors in student council must attend. If you have questions see Mr. Blair.