The Center for Academic Success Academic Year
About Us Colin Pears, Director Juliann Winn, Associate Director Peer Mentoring, Workshops BJ Buracker, Program Coordinator Academic Coaching Brian Chappell, Program Coordinator Tutoring Services Find up-to-date information on our services at SUCCESS.CUA.EDU
Tutoring services Drop-In Monday-Thursday, 4-10pm, many subjects covered, Pryz Academic Wing Schedule located at FREE! One-On-One Submit your request in Pryz 202 ALL Subjects covered, with the exception of math $55 per course, per semester Math Center BRAND NEW! FREE! Monday-Thursday, 4-10pm, Pryz 204 Covers all levels of Math support
Academic Skills Workshops 8/27Smart Apps for Smart Studying 8/28Time Management and Organization 9/3Understanding Your Learning Style 9/4Taking Notes You Can Use 9/10Prezi, PowerPoint, and Presentations 9/11Writing : Organization and Structure 9/16How to Succeed in a Math Course (This workshop begins at 6:00pm) 9/18How to Succeed at Foreign Languages (This workshop begins at 6:00pm) 9/24#GetConnected: Social Media and Your Digital Image 9/25Strategic Reading 10/1English 101: The Third Paragraph Revealed 10/2Midterms are Coming! 10/9Speed Reading /16Time Management and Organization 10/23Taking Notes You Can Use 10/30Strategic Reading 11/6Overcoming Writer’s Block 11/20Finals Crunch All workshops begin at 7pm, unless otherwise noted. Locations can be found at
Mentoring and Coaching Services Academic Coaching Intensive, weekly coaching sessions focused on improving academic skills, goal-setting, and accountability Typically for students falling below a 2.5 GPA, in a semester or cumulatively Peer Academic Skills Support (PASS) Work with a Peer Mentor in brushing up on academic skills such as time management, note-taking, reading, and other fundamentals Talk through transition troubles, make a new friend, get connected on campus, learn more about a major or minor Anyone is welcome, at any level of skill Miss a workshop? Come see a mentor! Simply visit CAS in Pryz 202 to be placed with a mentor!
Graduate Workshop Series Designed to provide an introduction to pedagogical skills and teaching within a liberal arts context. It will consist of monthly workshops delivered by senior faculty, administrators, and invited contributors on topics related to undergraduate education that will help you become a better teacher and improve your chances of success in the job market. Tentative Dates: Wednesday, September 24 Wednesday, October 22 Wednesday, November 19 Lunch served at 11:30, presentations begin at 12 noon Topics and Locations TBD