District Leadership Practices that Support Instructional Coach (TOSA) Implementation and Effectiveness Presented by Lea Curcio, Director of Curriculum and Instruction B.J. Hopkins, Instructional Coach (TOSA) Aimee Plette, Instructional Coach (TOSA) FALLBROOK UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA) Leadership Summit, San Diego, CA
Today’s Objectives By the end of today’s session participants will: Recognize the importance of clarity and alignment in district beliefs, expectations and practices and the work of the instructional coach Learn and apply proven, research-based practices to direct, support, and develop instructional coaches
Inspiring Greatness Our job as district leaders is to create the conditions in which our instructional coaches will be fulfilled, highly effective, and successful in their work Effective district and site leaders provide: DirectionDevelopmentSupport
Direction FUESD Blueprint for Success Culture Culture Systems Systems TOSA Orientation and Informational Meeting Explicit Communication of High Expectations
Selection Process Orientation Meeting Attendance Letter of interest and application Panel Interview Formal observation Placement
Explicit Communication of High Expectations Teaching Effectiveness DII (Direct Interactive Instruction), Accelerating the Academic Achievement of ELs, Common Core Standards ELA & Math, UCI Math Project School and Classroom Environments PD Rooms Communication and Collaboration PLC, Strengths Based Leadership
Providing Direction Your Reflections
Development ProfessionalDevelopment ProfessionalDevelopment Meeting Structures & Coaching Meeting Structures & Coaching Walk-Through Teams Walk-Through Teams
Professional Development The Instructional coach needs to be at least one step ahead of the most knowledgeable and skilled teacher on the staff 3 Tier Professional Learning Cycle Initial Training, Model Lessons, Co-Plan/Co-TeachInitial Training, Model Lessons, Co-Plan/Co-Teach Instructional Delivery Direct Interactive Instruction, Accelerating the Academic Achievement of English LearnersDirect Interactive Instruction, Accelerating the Academic Achievement of English Learners Content Based Training & Assessment CA Common Core State Standards, Mathematics, Intensive InterventionCA Common Core State Standards, Mathematics, Intensive Intervention Professional Collaboration PLCs, 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeoplePLCs, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Meeting Structures & Coaching Monthly meetings to support district level expectations and to refine how those expectations are being implemented at the site level COACHES CADRE Builds understanding of DII and the Co Plan/Co Teach cycle Fosters collaboration between TOSAs (PLCs) Supports district curriculum implementation as experts in specific grade level content
Walk-Through Teams TOSAs have the opportunity to participate in their own instructional rounds Host TOSA shares the school’s vision and instructional focus area(s) TOSA team spends 3-5 minutes in every classroom and debrief after 2 to 3 classrooms Team focuses on student work, student behaviors vs. teacher actions, learning environment/supports, and instructional framework implementation
Providing Development Your Reflections
Support Communication Communication Resources & Book Studies Resources & Book Studies Team Development Team Development Recognition Recognition
Communication TOSAs meet regularly with site administrators to support the school’s instructional focus and initiatives TOSA are assigned a grade level for curriculum development and support (GL experts, technology expert) Open communication is enhanced by access to a site TOSA, district technology TOSA /or the grade level content TOSA, TOSA to TOSA access to a site TOSA, district technology TOSA /or the grade level content TOSA, TOSA to TOSA TOSAs are supported by and report to the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Resources & Book Studies Coaching manual Google Drive to share coaching documents and grade level content On going professional reading and professional development
Team Development Leadership Retreats Peer Observation Skill reinforcement via demonstration lessons, video clip analysis, etc. Fish bowls (co-plan/co-teach)
Recognition Site visitations Seven district visitations, DreamBox, myOn, Learning Dynamics, Panda Cares District sponsorship by Panda Cares and The Covey Foundation Statewide Recognition CA Distinguished School Award, California Business for Education Excellence (CBEE) Honor Roll, 4 Schools Celebrate together – we believe in taking the opportunity to celebrate small and large accomplishments
Providing Support Your Reflections