Energy Systems and Bioscience Joseph Dannemiller Special Projects Coordinator Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
From Electrical Trades to Energy Systems Renewable Energy Curriculum at Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
Mission Statement “Cuyahoga Valley Career Center prepares youth and adults to enter, compete and advance in an ever changing work world.”
Curriculum Modifications Program renamed to “Energy Systems” to align with renewable energy & energy efficiency modules Add components of wind and solar PV installation and maintenance to the curriculum
New Skills New entrants into the Solar PV industry may earn a NABCEP entry level “Certificate of Knowledge” A general set of knowledge, skills and abilities typically required of small wind practitioners Certification standard-type tasks for a building diagnostic comprehensive energy home audit
Projects Program was awarded a $10,000 Lowes/Skills USA grant to construct a small scale residential-style shell structure incorporating sustainable design, “green” construction methods and materials, and renewable energy technology. Work with local solar installation firm to gain practical skills and knowledge
Future Possibilities Mount a 10kW Photovoltaic solar system on the roof of CVCC to be designed for student instruction as well as net energy payback Install at least a small sized turbine to be used for student instruction and net payback Work with Cleveland State University Fenn College of Engineering to install RE wind studies
Summary Energy Efficiency Generates Sustainable Careers We are at the dawn of an energy revolution, our industry needs young skilled apprentices for the new “green” economy The Energy Systems program is the place to train for a career in the 21 st century
2010 Economic-Education Summit Bioscience Sector
Total economic impact of the bioscience/healthcare industry in Ohio ($148.2 billion = 15.7% of Ohio’s economy ) © 2008 BioOhio
Ohio well-positioned for fastest growing jobs! Recent Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast places three bio jobs in top ten #1, Biomedical Engineers, projected to grow 72% by 2018 #6, Medical Scientists, projected to grow 40% #9, Biochemists & Biophysicists, projected to grow 37% © 2008 BioOhio
PLTW Biomedical Sciences Four Course Sequence: 1.Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Students explore the concepts of human medicine and are introduced to research processes and to bioinformatics. 2.Human Body Systems Students examine the processes, structures, and interactions of the human body systems to learn how they work together to maintain homeostasis and good health.
PLTW Biomedical Sciences 3.Medical Intervention Student projects investigate various medical interventions that extend and improve quality of life, including gene therapy, pharmacology, surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and supportive care. 4.Science Research This capstone course gives student teams the opportunity to work with a mentor, identify a scientific research topic, conduct research, write a scientific paper, and defend team conclusions and recommendations to a panel of outside reviewers.
Panelists from Economic Summit Mike McDaniel, Superintendent, Ashland - West Holmes Career Center Molly Wavra, Biotechnology teacher, Greene County Career Center Autum Barry, PLTW Biomedical teacher, Logan High School Darla Warnecke, PLTW Biomedical teacher, Miller City High School
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