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Class of 2012 Highlights 69% 4 year college 22% 2 year college ACT More students attempting Increase from 212 (2011) 231 (2012) Scioto average score up from 23.9 to 24.2 State average stayed 21.8
2012 Highlights IB 193 testers/271 tests 6 Students earned the IB Diploma Score needed for diploma = 24 Scioto Average = 29 AP Greatest number of students taking tests and tests taken 356 testers/654 tests (2011) to 402 testers/691 tests (2012) 62% of tests taken scored 3 or higher
Commitments By June 2014 Federal Race to the Top Data & Assessment Commitments Implementation Year: State Biennial Budget Bill (House Bill 153) Ongoing Local: Dublin City Schools Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession
Teacher Evaluation System
Continued Work: Data Driven Instruction Do you know what your students need to know or be able to do by the end of the year? Are your goals clear to students? Are your assessments telling you what you need to know? Are your lessons aimed at moving all students? Are students progressing?
Data Driven Instructional Tool Use Mastery Manager to- Pre-assess Align assessments to standards Formatively assess Post-assess Analyze data Remediate/Change instruction
Mastery Manager This Year … what does the support look like?
Mastery Manager
Data Team Goals - Yearlong Find your standards -- post them in your room Continue to pre-, formative-, and post- assess instruction -- aligned to the standards Set a goal Reflect on assessment data How will it be used to inform instruction? How will data help you accomplish your goals?
This Afternoon – Personal and Department Goals What are your goals for the year? Re-visit/modify What are your department’s goals for the year? Re-visit/modify
College and Career Readiness Library staff would like to be more involved in the core curriculum and work with groups of students on research, etc. English teachers plan to add more non -fiction pieces and instruction on technical writing. Science teachers are planning to focus on more data analysis (taken from outside sources or articles) in the classroom. PE/Health plans to implement the use of critical reflection based upon a departmental rubric.
College and Career Readiness PE/Health plans to implement the use of critical reflection based upon a departmental rubric. Foreign Language plans to start supplying a “tool box” of words to use when writing Math plans to use a test bank to introduce different types of questions, as well as cover test taking strategies (problem solving) with students. Rubrics and portfolios