Voyager Learning Center Holomua Elementary School Progressive, Innovative, Successful
Voyager Learning Center Vision and Mission Voyager Learning Center will strive to promote academic success through integrated intervention programs. Mission Voyager Learning Center, in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and students, will provide a learning environment utilizing direct instructional strategies to assist students in becoming successful, lifelong learners.
Voyager Learning Center Teachers and Staff Special Education Teachers, Educational Assistants, Article VI Resource Teachers, Foster Grandparents All Learning Center staff members receive ongoing, inservice training to keep them abreast with Special Needs instruction. IEPs are the responsibility of the Special Education teacher.
Voyager Learning Center Eligibility Criteria Needs are identified through various criteria Running Records Brigance SDRT Teacher Consultations
Voyager Learning Center Grouping Students are tested and grouped according to their individual learning needs and abilities.
Voyager Learning Center Instructional Approach Reading and writing blocks are 1 hour Math blocks are 60-90 minutes Reading, writing and math are taught in alignment with the regular education classes Learning Center staff supports classroom curriculum Students receive many hands-on learning experiences
Voyager Learning Center Center Curriculum Phonetic Awareness Phonics Guided Reading Mature Reader Strategies Comprehension Writer’s Workshop Extensions from Classroom Math
Voyager Learning Center Student Assessment Student progress folders are used to document student achievement Instructor observations are included in progress folders Guided reading checklists help instructors monitor reading progress Student writing is assessed according to rubrics based on HCPS II Learning Center Staff conducts articulation every 15 days to assess student’s progress. After articulation, students are regrouped to perpetuate progressive learning.
Voyager Learning Center Advantages of the Learning Center Concept Improved classroom environment Students are on task due to smaller group sizes Students are making greater gains Through articulation, all instructors are involved in the intellectual growth of all students Efficient use of staff and facilities
Voyager Learning Center Meeting the challenge of the future. “Moving forward towards success”