TVHS Solar Brooke Arends
Why Solar? Though it would be expensive to install for the school, it would pay off in the long run. Also solar energy doesn’t harm the environment. The Materials? Solar panels, or flat plate collectors. 10 mm annealed copper tube. 16 swg aluminum sheet Glass fiber wool. Marine-ply sheet. 4 mm glass.
Changes Must Be Made: Solar cell panels will need to be installed on the school. It’d be a good idea to have a nearby bank of batteries to store the solar energy for rainy days. That’s about all that must be done.
Pros VS. Cons: PROS: No pollution. Renewable. Cost efficient. Quietly makes electricity. CONS: Initial cost. Weather affected. Sun isn’t out 24/7.
TVHS Solar: Basically just installed solar panels on the sides and roof of the school.