Geospatial Technologies … How They Relate to the West Virginia Forum on Statewide Water Sampling Programs
Topics to be explored Pertinent history Recent policy changes Geospatial technology advancements
In the beginning Before WVDEPs Environmental Quality Information System (=EQuIS) –Individual PC-based sampling databases –All were one hard drive failure from extinction –No serious database design
Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS) After EQuIS –Enterprise, server-based sample results database –Proper backup of mission critical data –Serious database design
WCMS hooks to EQuIS See 44/index.html for an explanation of WCMS and … 44/index.html 44/files/NRAC244_tech_manual_v9.pdf for a Users Manualhttp:// 44/files/NRAC244_tech_manual_v9.pdf Example of overland flow analysis conducted using WCMS showing potential runoff from surface mine sites
Things happen
Moving forward …
Late Now Division of Mining & Reclamations eMaps –Submittal of active mining permitting data electronically mandated January 1 of 2009 Surface water sampling points Groundwater sampling points –Revised WVDEPs Geospatial Policy end of 08 Gray line is the permit boundary Map is drawn in State Plane coordinates Surface water sampling point
Desktop vs. WWW GIS Distributed computing geoservices
Geoservices that can be engineered GeoserviceExampleDescription Map ServicesServes cached maps and dynamic maps from ArcGIS. Geocode ServicesFinds address locations. Geodata ServicesProvides geodatabase access, query, updates, and management services. Geoprocessing Services Provides spatial analysis and data processing services. Globe ServicesServes digital globes authored in ArcGIS. Image ServicesProvides access to image services. More later about image services
What is the West Virginia Geospatial B-ORG? B-ORG = B roadband- O rchestrated R egional G roup Your ArcGIS/SDE Servers technological distinctiveness will be added to our own
DEP SDE DoT SDE The hive provides the ability to remote access geospatial data using broadband access to ArcGIS Servers outside your Agency The potential exists to add to the collective. DoT LAN How Does the B-ORG Work? DEP LAN WV Backbone RTI SDE
GeoServices Model is the Future Mining data from WVDEPs server Data from three servers comingled with real time spatial analysis now possible! Street layer (off) from WVDoTs server Satellite image from ESRIs server
WVDEPs ArcGIS Resource Center Image services tab Example of image services Clicking on the state icon lauches ArcGIS Explorer
So join the West Virginia GIS B roadband- O rchestrated R egional G roup ( B-ORG )... a collective of ArcGIS Server-based geoservices empowering West Virginia with the ability to access remote geospatial data more efficiently. To become part of the hive you will need a collective user id and logon. Resistance IS futile
ArcGIS Server Demonstration