Mililani Mauka Elementary School Grade 1 for 2005 - 2006
Language Arts
First Semester Reading Conventions and Skills Reading Comprehension Phonemic Awareness Decoding Strategies Sight Word Knowledge Reading Comprehension Making and Confirming Predictions Reading Response Personal Connection Writing Conventions and Skills Handwriting The Writing Process Oral Communication Discussion & Presentation Critical Listening
Second Semester Reading Conventions and Skills Reading Comprehension Phonemic Awareness Decoding Strategies Sight Word Knowledge Reading Comprehension Basic Retelling 5 Ws and How Reading Response Story Elements Writing Conventions and Skills The Writing Process Rhetoric Oral Communication Discussion & Presentation Critical Listening
First Semester Patterns Functions and Algebra Spatial/numerical patterns Math Stories Numbers and Operations Skip counting (2’s, 5’s, and 10’s) Counting to 100 Comparing Numbers (least, most, more, less, equal) Basic facts addition and subtraction up to 10 Zero in addition and subtraction
First Semester (cont.) Numbers and Operations (cont.) Math strategies Counting on Doubles Doubles plus 1 Counting backwards Place Value (ones, tens, and hundreds) Problem Solving Combining & Separating Stories Critical thinking Reasoning Measurement Money penny, nickel, dime, quarter count coin combinations (like coins) to $1.00)
Second Semester Patterns Functions and Algebra Problem Solving Process Math Stories (Combining and Separating) Number and Operations Fact families Fractions up to ¼
Second Semester (cont.) Measurement Time hour (half hour and quarter hour) Length Weight Geometry and Spatial Sense Geometric solids and their properties Plane figures and their properties Symmetry Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Create and organize data Interpret data
First Semester Physical Science Scientific Process Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases Forces and Motion: Push and Pull Scientific Process Scientific Inquiry Science, Technology and Society
Second Semester Life and Environmental Studies Earth and Space Science Organisms Cycles of Matter Heredity (Compare & contrast plant and animals) Habitats Structure and Function Heredity (How plants and animals adapt to the environment) Earth and Space Science How the sun warms the Earth Scientific Process Scientific Inquiry Unifying Concepts and Themes
Social Studies
First Semester Political Science Cultural Anthropology History Rules Cultural Anthropology Cultural beliefs and practices through stories Japanese and Hawaiian History People who significantly impacted American history Geography Map Skills
Second Semester Economics Political Science Cultural Anthropology Needs and wants Goods and services Political Science Roles and responsibilities of community leaders Cultural Anthropology Japanese and Hawaiian Cultural beliefs and practices through stories History People who significantly impacted American history Geography Map Skills
It is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. Ann Landers