Mililani Mauka Elementary School Grade K Curriculum for
Language Arts
First Semester Reading Comprehension Process Make Predictions Reading Response Identify Characters and Setting Writing Introduction to Writing Oral Communication Express Ideas Follow Directions
Second Semester Reading Comprehension Process Make Predictions Retell Important Events Reading Response Identify Characters and Setting Retell Beginning, Middle, and End Writing Strategies Oral Communication Express Ideas Follow Directions Ask/Answer Questions Delivery
First Semester Numbers and Operations Count and Compare Numbers Represent Whole Numbers up to 20 Geometry 2-D Shapes Data Analysis Sort/Classify
First Semester (cont.) Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Patterns Measurement Compare and Order Objects
Second Semester Numbers and Operations Count and Compare Numbers Represent Whole Numbers up to 30 Addition and Subtraction Geometry Transformations Positional Words Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Number Sentences Measurement Money Time
First Semester Physical Science Matter Life Science Heredity Living/Non-Living Plants
Second Semester Earth/Space Science Forces and Motion Day and Night Weather Life Science Interdependence Between Plants and Animals
Social Studies
First Semester History Look At How Ive Grown Political Science Rules Economics Peoples Basic Needs
Second Semester Cultural Anthropology Holidays/Celebrations Geography Location Terms
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