Leanne Taylor –Founder, The Nature of It
TNOI was founded to make a positive difference to the natural environment in North Wiltshire and to benefit the lives of people of all ages from the local community. Our services to education include: * Bring your outdoor projects to life * Provide inspiration for new projects * Bespoke learning days: e.g. Dig for Victory Days for WWII projects * Horticultural therapy for SEN children * Lead lessons & projects in line with the curriculum to extend scope of learning provision
We have cultivated a partnership with St Peter’s Primary School in Chippenham, which involves leading the Eco-group. Successes to date include: * Whole school Eco-day – (270 children) May 2013 * Partnership with a local secondary school and eco-event support * Energy Assemblies * Energy Spies and the “Golden Light bulb” * Reviewing electricity data with YR5 &6 pupils * Securing grant funding for solar panels to take our Eco-hut off-grid
Our plans for the 2013/14 Academic Year: * Continue to monitor and reduce energy consumption * Install sustainable energy generation technologies * Promote the “Switch off fortnight” Campaign * Contribute towards community based learning in the North Wiltshire Area
The Nature of It Contact Information: TNOI HQ, St Peter’s Primary School, Lords Mead, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 0LL