2 Presenters Shannon Harris Corporate Shared Accounting Services Mark Kirkland Corporate Procurement
3 Topics Covered Boise Cascade Company Information Automated Reconciling Processes Receipt – Accrue/Non-Accrue Old Receivers (90-Days and Older) Users involved in cleanup Questions and Answer Session
4 Boise Cascade Company Background Company Headquarters in Boise, Idaho 10,000+ Employees Operations Domestically throughout the United States Internationally in the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Canada Four Major Divisions Building Materials Distribution (29 Distribution Centers) Paper Manufacturing (4 Paper Mills) Timber and Wood Products (21 LVL, Plywood, Lumber, & Veneer Plants) Packaging and News Print (1 Paper Mill, 5 Packaging Plants)
Sales by Business -- $ Millions
6 Versions of PeopleSoft Began Converting to PeopleSoft Version 5.1 in 1996 Upgraded to Version 7.5 in November 1999 Added eProcurement 8.0 in 2002 Upgraded to 8.8 on November 28, 2005 Currently on PeopleSoft SP 1 - MP 5 – Bundle 20 Current Strategy is to apply all available Bundles on a quarterly basis
Finance and Purchasing Statistics ~ 2,400 Purchasing and Finance Users 20 Purchasing Business Units 26 Inventory Business Units 179 AP Business Units 238 General Ledger Business Units ~ 280,000 Item Ids
Finance and Purchasing Statistics 293,688 Journals 1,447,625 Vouchers 328,794 Payments 1473 Pay Cycles 107,880 Purchase Orders 68,546 Requisitions 191,737 Receipts
9 Modules In Use Purchasing Inventory Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Asset Management Project Costing General Ledger Budget Billing Contracts eProcurement Human Resources Benefits Administration Payroll ePay Treasury (coming soon)
10 Integrated Systems Maximo 5.2 Maximo is a maintenance planning application used by some Business Units Requisitions that are written in Maximo and ‘Replicated’ into PeopleSoft PeopleSoft and Maximo also share the following: Purchase Orders Receipts Vouchers Item IDs and Descriptions
11 The Processes are ran automatically every two weeks. PO Reconcile Requisition Reconcile Receipt Reconcile Automated Reconciling Processes
12 90-Day Receivers What are 90-day Receivers and why are they a problem? Receivers that are older than 90-days and do not have a matched status These Receivers are for Purchase Orders where Receiving is Required These Receivers represent a liability (expense) to the company. Some of these Receivers may be duplicate or are no longer valid
13 Receipts – Accrue/Not Accrue Receipts for Purchase Orders when Receiving is Required are Accrued Receipts for Purchase Orders when Receiving is not Required are not Accrued. These Receipts are for more informational purposes
14 90-Day Receivers continued Purchasing agents periodically run a custom query that will identify 90-Day Receivers Shared Accounting Services sends out monthly reports on the number of 90-Day Receivers and their total Value. Buyers, Receivers, Storeroom Users, Accounts Payable, and sometimes the Vendor all work together to get the Receivers matched and paid (or sometimes cancelled)
15 Back to 90-Day Receivers Here are some of the reasons why 90-day old receivers exists: Invoice was processed as freight. Invoice was paid on a summary billing. Invoice was paid on a credit card. Invoice was closed and paid express. In house repairs.
16 Manually Matching Receipts Sometimes it is determined that a Receipt is valid, but for some reason it has not matched or it will never match A custom SQR process is ran to Manually match the Receiver. This process also places comments on the Receiver and the PO to aid in future research. A list of Manually Matched Receipts is sent monthly to G/L Accountants so that the appropriate entries can be made in the Ledger
17 Questions and Answer Session QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS