The Planets Some images
3 kinds of Solar System Object Rocky Gassy Icy How can you tell? What happens when you step on it?
Mercury 0 moons Mariner
Messenger images Mercury in 2008
Check out the cool Rays!
Venus Image in UV 0 moons Magellan - Venera
Venus – from Magellan radar data
Venus – Elevation map
Views from Venera – Russian Lander on Venus
The Earth Look outside 1 moon LandSAT – Ikonos - NOAA
Kathmandu South Georgia
The Moon
Mars 2 moons Mariner – Viking – MGS – Opportunity
Phobos 22.2 km across
Taken from Mars Express
Deimos 12.6km across
3 Juno 1 Ceres
Ida – Dactyl - Gaspra
Last image from Eros – NEAR/Shoemaker
Jupiter 63* moons Pioneer – Voyager Galileo
J u p i t e r
Saturn 60* moons Voyager
Uranus 27* moons Voyager
Neptune 13* moons Voyager
Pluto 3 moons
Pluto Charon HST
Eris (formerly UB 313 – Xena) 1 moon Dysnomia (formerly Gabrielle)
Quaoar How to discover a TNO (or for that matter, a comet, or asteroid). Take 3 images, align the stars, and blink between them, the moving thing is the object you are looking for.
Haumea 2 moons Makemake 0 moons
Other potential dwarf planets Haumea 2 moons Makemake 0 moons
Comets Comet 1P/Halley
Comet 81P / Wild 2
Comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 hitting Jupiter (lower left of Jupiter)
Disclaimer Aloha I put together these power points for use in my science classes. You may use them in your classes. Some images are public domain, some are used under the fair-use provisions of the copyright law, some are mine. Copyright is retained by the owners! Ted Brattstrom