Why Common Core State Standards for Mathematics?
What is College & Career Ready? A CAREER provides a family sustaining wage and pathways to advancement and requires training or education beyond high school. COLLEGE is education after high school that leads to a professional certificate, license, Associates or Bachelor’s degree… Being ready for college and careers means that a high school graduate has the core, foundational knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for and succeed in entry ‑ level, credit ‑ bearing coursework ‑ be it at a university, community college, technical/vocational program, apprenticeship or on the job ‑ without the need for remedial or corrective courses.
What is College & Career Ready? What students are expected to know at the end of high school, as defined by state standards, required curriculum and assessments The knowledge and skills demanded by postsecondary and employers for successful first-year students and new employees. RESULT In many states, students can earn a high school diploma without the skills necessary for success in college and careers. ≠
New Standards – Content and Mathematical Practices Content Standards Organized in Grade-Level Appropriate Domains and Conceptual Categories (ex. K-5 Algebraic Thinking, 6-8 Expressions and Equations, HS Algebra & Functions) Standards for Mathematical Practice “Habits of mind” are called out and described in CCSS
Focused and Coherent Standards for K-12 Math
Focused and Coherent Standards for High School Math
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Standards for Mathematical PracticeStandards for Mathematical Practice The eight standards for mathematical practice place an emphasis on students doing mathematics and demonstrating learning. Teachers will need to have a variety of tasks and teaching strategies to ensure students are engaged with the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Statewide Match/Gap ResultsStatewide Match/Gap Results
Math Pathways in Portland Public Schools for 2013 and beyond
Stations Looking at Student Samples – CCSS Content Progression Assessment Examples – Focus on Math Practices Online Assessment Samples and Practice Test
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Looking at Student SamplesLooking at Student Samples With your shoulder partner spread out the student work cards (yellow) and CCSS grade level standards (blue). Match each of the samples of student work to a grade level standard. Line up from Grade 2 to High School.
Partner up One of you look at problem A and one look at problem B. Individually Review your assigned problem Think about the identified Math Practice(s) the problem assesses With your Partner, share what students are expected to know and do to complete the problem SBAC examplesSBAC examples