SCI Publications 林锦 台州医院围产医学和儿科学科发展顾问 Department of Pediatrics Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York
SCI Publications Quality is more important than quantity Papers published in a good journal are usually better than those published in a less known journal
What is SCI ISI: Institute for Scientific Information SCI: Science Citation Index ( 科学引文 索引 ) or (Stupid Chinese Index) Impact Factor ( 影响因子 ) Journal Citation Report ( 期刊排行榜 )
Unique Features of SCI 即通过以前发表的论文被其它论文的引用情况, 来说明论文的影响力 不仅作为一部文献检索工具使用,而且成为评 价科研成就、学术水平的一种权威依据 大学、科研机构、个人被 SCI 收录的论文总量 及被引用的次数,基本可以反映大学、科研机 构、个人科学研究,尤其是基础研究的能力与 学术水平 “ 勿轻视 SCI ,忽滥用 SCI. ”
The Impact Factor One of the quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals A measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period To provide a gross approximation of the prestige of journals in which individuals have been published
Significance of IF Use IF to judge the quality of journals/magazines Guide our submission of manuscripts to journals/magazines Help decide subscriptions to journals/magazines
ISI Database-Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI- Expanded ) 1945—present Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) present Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) present Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) present Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) present
The Journal Citation Reports The Science Edition contains data from roughly 7,387 journals in the areas of science and technology. China has 114 journals included
Using the SCI Wisely ISI does not recommend that SCI users depend solely on citation data in their journal evaluations Citation data are not meant to replace informed peer review The best way for academic evaluation: Combined peer review and SCI citation
Top SCI Journals (2004)
Top SCI Journals (2011)
Top SCI Journals Usually publish the results from the research projects that make breakthrough in theories, methods or techniques which have broad and significant implications
Majority of SCI Journals Will publish the results from research projects that utilise available theory, methods or techniques to solve problems or filling gaps of knowledge in the chosen discipline
Top SCI Pediatric Journals (2004)
Top SCI Pediatric Journals (2011)
Top SCI Journals from China (2008)
Top SCI Journals from China (2011)
SCI Papers of WZMC, Zhejiang University, and Mount Sinai WZMC ZJU SCU Mt Sinai
SCI Publications and Citations of WZMC
The Most Cited SCI Papers WZMC is Involved
The Most Cited SCI Papers WZMC Faculty is the Corresponding Author