State law and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act require Report Cards for every local school, every school district and for the state. The letter grades are based on student performance (80 percent) and academic growth (20 percent).
A method established by the State Board of Education will convert each school’s point total into a corresponding score on a point scale; various ranges on the point scale continuum then translate to a letter grade as follows: = A = B = C = D = F = F Data (15 point scale) Data (15 point scale)
EOG Mathematics EOG ELA/Reading EOG Science EOCs (middle) Math I English II Biology Math Course Rigor Graduation Rate The ACT ACT WorkKeys Elementary | Middle Schools High Schools
EVAAS Growth Reported for each school as having: Exceeded Growth Met Growth Not Met Growth Growth:
Final Grade School Achievement Score EVAAS Growth Final Score Final Grade C A+ Good Job
The NC School Report Cards website: