Computers and Neurosurgery Layla Avalos
History The use of computers in Neurosurgery began in the 1980’s. Telemanipulators are also common in this field. They are machines that act as the doctor’s hands in the procedure. This helps with precision.
How do Computers Work with Neurosurgery? Using a patient’s MRI or CT scans neurosurgeons are able to create a 3D model of their brain to plan their surgery. The program can be manipulated and changed to plan surgical procedures or develop new ones.
Cont.… The program will then later be applied to the surgery as a guide After the surgeon finishes one task he can either manually or verbally give a command to the computer to let it know he is finished and can move on to the next step
Reasons to use Computer Science for Neurosurgery Planning neurosurgery before procedures helps increase precision and lessen risk It makes smaller incisions which will result in faster recovery time and a less painful recovery
Computer Assisted Imaging
Craniotomy This is a procedure used to cure brain lesions(an abnormality in the tissue of something) and trauma In this procedure the neurosurgeon will use the computer to guide him while he removes a piece of skull to have access to the brain Then a metal plate is used to replace the bone flap
What is it Used for? Craniotomy- treatment for brain diseases. Epilepsy Surgery- if regular treatments do not work this is the last resort. Laminectomy-procedure used to assess and decompress the spine. Spinal Fusion- used to fix spinal diseases that can occur due to genetics or trauma.
Citations Chir, Minerva. Role of computer technology in neurosurgery. Pub Med. Ed. U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. NCBI, 4 Aug Web. 4 Sept Anonymous. "Computer Guided Neurosurgery." Department of Neurosurgery University of Florida. UF Health, 27 Aug Web. 4 Sept Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program. Mount Sinai Hospital, n.d. Web. 4 Sept