Data Collection Process: USDOL Data Requirements Colleges must be able to identify grant participants by program (credit & non-credit) I. Initial Point of Contact Social Security Number Name and Contact Information U.S. Citizenship Employment Status At Initial Enrollment Wages At Initial Enrollment Gender Ethnicity/Race Age Disability Status Veteran Status TAA Eligible II. College Student System (Credit and Non-Credit) Social Security Number TAA Eligible and Grant Participant Name and Contact Information U.S. Citizenship Employment Status At Initial Enrollment (Source:DWD) Wages At Initial Enrollment (Source:DWD) Gender Ethnicity/Race Age Disability Status Veteran Status Pell Eligibility Student Status (full or part-time) Highest Education Level Completed Upon Entry Educational Goal (degree or certificate) Basic Skill Deficiency Reading-Assessment Score Developmental Reading Level---One Level Below College Level, Two Levels Below College Level, or Three or More Levels Below College Level. Basic Skill Deficiency English-Assessment Score Developmental English Level---One Level Below College Level, Two Levels Below College Level, or Three or More Levels Below College Level. Basic Skill Deficiency Mathematics-Assessment Score Developmental Mathematics Level---One Level Below College Level, Two Levels Below College Level, or Three or More Levels Below College Level. Campus Code Program Code Term Code and Start Date Credit or Non-Credit Code Entering Student Status Term Credit Hours Attempted Term GPA Term Credit Hours Completed
Data Collection Process: USDOL Data Requirements Continued III. Tracking and Performance Outcome Data Each college will track implementation of programs and related strategies Developmental Skill Improvement (course grades, re-test on assessment instrument, etc.) Term to term retention Program (degree or certificate completion) Non-Credit to Credit program movement Transfer or Continuing Education upon program completion Employment Status upon program completion (1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd quarters, Source: DWD/DED) Wage data upon program completion (1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd quarters, Source: DWD/DED) IV. Action Implementation progress and performance measures will be shared with the Consortium and colleges on a quarterly and annual basis. Based on thoughtful interpretation of data, colleges will undertake steps to ensure continuous program improvement? Use Data & Thoughtful Interpretation For Continuous Improvement
USDOL Evaluation Framework: Participant & Comparison Cohorts GRANT PARTICIPANT UNIVERSE: Participant Cohort---Subset of Total Grant Participant Universe : Matched NON-TAACCCT-FUNDED UNIVERSE Comparison Cohort-- -Subset of Non-Grant Participant Universe : Participant Cohort and Comparison Cohorts Are Matched On Key Demographic Variables---Age and Gender At A Minimum
Why is DOL Requiring Participant and Comparison Cohorts? Meets the goal of “Continuous Improvement” DOL hopes to learn from the cohort information: – Did the TAACCCT program design/ updates/changes that were proposed and implemented have a positive effect on students who went through the new/updated/revised program, as compared with students who did not? Education retention and completion Job placement, retention and earnings
Participant Cohort To Comparison Cohort Analysis Will Focus On Key Tracking and Outcome Variables Program Completion Retained in Program Retained in Other Program Credit Hours Completed Developmental Skill Improvement Earned Credentials Further Education After Graduation Employment After Graduation Employment Retention Earnings
This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License