『华东师范大学』 课程名称: 软件开发实践 Software Development Practice 课程类型: 实践课 第二讲: 项目管理 Lect_02: Manage the Project 主讲 : 软件学院 周勇 副 教授 日期 :
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 2 Managing the Project Involves Estimating the scope and work that needs to be performed Developing mechanisms to acquire identified products Developing a project plan Getting commitments to the plan Working with suppliers to acquire identified products Monitoring progress against the plan Identifying and analyzing risks Taking action to address significant deviations from the plan Taking action to appropriately mitigate risks
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 3 Topics Managing the Project Process Areas Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Risk Management (RSKM) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Managing the Project Summary
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 4 Project Planning (PP) Purpose Establish and maintain plans that define project activities.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 5 When Project Planning Is Not Done Well … Estimates of project attributes are inaccurate. It is difficult to identify deviations from poorly documented plans. Resources are not available/applied when needed. Future projects cannot learn from completed projects because there are no lessons learned.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 6 Project Planning Goals ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU SG 1: Establish Estimates Estimates of project planning parameters are established and maintained. SG 2: Develop a Project Plan A project plan is established and maintained as the basis for managing the project. SG 3: Obtain Commitment to the Plan Commitments to the project plan are established and maintained. The process area also has generic goals to support institutionalization.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 7 Relevant Terminology ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Project A managed set of interrelated resources which delivers one or more products to a customer or end user. A project has a definite beginning (i.e., project startup) and typically operates according to a plan. Such a plan is frequently documented and specifies what is to be delivered or implemented, the resources and funds to be used, the work to be done, and a schedule for doing the work. A project can be composed of projects. Program (1) A project. (2) A collection of related projects and the infrastructure that supports them, including objectives, methods, activities, plans, and success measures. Work breakdown structure (WBS) An arrangement of work elements and their relationship to each other and to the end product.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 8 Project Planning Context -1 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Planning Data Establish Estimates Develop a Project Plan Obtain Commitment to the Plan Project Plan PMC Relevant Stakeholders
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 9 Project Planning Context -2 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost Planning Data Establish Estimates Estimate the Scope of the Project Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes Define Project Lifecycle
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 10 Project Planning Context -3 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Planning Data Establish Estimates Develop a Project Plan Obtain Commitment to the Plan Project Plan PMC Relevant Stakeholders
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 11 Project Planning Context -4 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Establish the Budget and Schedule Planning Data Develop a Project Plan Plan for Data Management Plan Stakeholder Involvement Plan for Project Resources Project Plan Establish the Project Plan Identify Project Risks Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills PMC
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 12 Project Planning Context -5 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Planning Data Establish Estimates Develop a Project Plan Obtain Commitment to the Plan Project Plan PMC Relevant Stakeholders
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 13 Project Planning Context -6 ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Obtain Commitment to the Plan Reconcile Work and Resource Levels Project Plans Review Plans that Affect the Project Obtain Plan Commitment Relevant Stakeholders
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 14 Sample of PP Process ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 15 Topics ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Managing the Project Process Areas Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Risk Management (RSKM) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Managing the Project Summary
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 16 Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Purpose Provide understanding of the project ’ s progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project ’ s performance deviates significantly from the plan.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 17 When Project Monitoring and Control Is Not Done Well … ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Too much time is spent trying to determine project status. Data needed for management decisions are not available when needed. Corrective action is not taken early when it is least expensive. Lack of management insight makes project results highly unpredictable. The customer does not have confidence in the project status reporting.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 18 Project Monitoring and Control Goals ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU SG 1: Monitor Project Against Plan Actual performance and progress of the project are monitored against the project plan. SG 2: Manage Corrective Action to Closure Corrective actions are managed to closure when the project ’ s performance or results deviate significantly from the plan. The process area also has generic goals to support institutionalization.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 19 Project Monitoring and Control Context ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Project Plan Monitor Data Management Monitor Commitments Monitor Project Planning Parameters Conduct Milestone Reviews Monitor Project Risks Analyze Issues Take Corrective Action Monitor Project Against Plan Conduct Progress Reviews Monitor Stakeholder Involvement Manage Corrective Action PP Manage Corrective Action to Closure
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 20 Sample PMC Process
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 21 Topics ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Managing the Project Process Areas Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Risk Management (RSKM) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Managing the Project Summary
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 22 Risk Management (RSKM) ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Purpose Identify potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 23 When Risk Management Is Not Done Well … ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU It is easy to ignore risks when they are not being tracked. Risks that are known to project staff are often not known to management. Repeated project failures due to unforeseen (but predictable) risks can cost you business.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 24 Risk Management Goals ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU SG 1: Prepare for Risk Management Preparation for risk management is conducted. SG 2: Identify and Analyze Risks Risks are identified and analyzed to determine their relative importance. SG 3: Mitigate Risks Risks are handled and mitigated, where appropriate, to reduce adverse impacts on achieving objectives. The process area also has generic goals to support institutionalization.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 25 Risk Management Context ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Determine Risk Sources and Categories Define Risk Parameters Identify Risks Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks Develop Risk Mitigation Plans Implement Risk Mitigation Plans Risk Repository Prepare for Risk Management Identify and Analyze Risks Mitigate Risks Establish a Risk Management Strategy PP
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 26 Sample RSKM Process
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 27 Topics ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Managing the Project Process Areas Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Risk Management (RSKM) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Managing the Project Summary
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 28 Relevant Terminology ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Supplier (1) An entity delivering products or performing services being acquired. (2) An individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, or other service having an agreement (contract) with an acquirer for the design, development, manufacture, maintenance, modification, or supply of items under the terms of an agreement (contract). Formal agreement Any legal agreement between the organization (representing the project) and the supplier. This agreement may be a contract, license, service level agreement, or a memorandum of agreement.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 29 Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Purpose Manage the acquisition of products from suppliers.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 30 When Supplier Agreement Management Is Not Done Well … ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Supplier selection is not based on the right criteria. The management and technical staff do not have insight into supplier activities. Supplier products are accepted even when they do not meet the product requirements. Integration of supplier products into a product baseline is problematic.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 31 Supplier Agreement Management Goals ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU SG 1: Establish Supplier Agreements Agreements with the suppliers are established and maintained. SG 2: Satisfy Supplier Agreements Agreements with the suppliers are satisfied by both the project and the supplier. The process area also has generic goals to support institutionalization.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 32 Supplier Agreement Management Context ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Product Establish Supplier Agreements Determine Acquisition Type Transition Products Accept the Acquired Product Select Suppliers Supplier Requirements Execute the Supplier Agreement Establish Supplier Agreements Satisfy Supplier Agreements Supplier Agreement PI TS Monitor Selected Supplier Processes Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 33 Sample SAM Process
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 34 Managing the Project Summary ©2010 By Software Engineering Institute of ECNU Project Planning aids project managers in planning project activities. Project Monitoring and Control emphasizes managing project performance according to the plan. Risk Management enables projects to proactively identify and reduce risks that may jeopardize achieving project objectives. Supplier Agreement Management helps when working with suppliers.
软件开发实践, Author: 周勇 35 End