Preserving Mother Nature Energy Saving Tips to Practice A Joint National Project Education and Seva Wings Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organization in Canada
Preserving Mother Nature Seventh World Conference Resolution – In order to live in harmony with nature, we should save water, energy etc. and minimize waste. With Swami’s Grace Preserving Mother Nature has been chosen as the Joint National Education and Seva Project for 2009 Preserving Mother Nature is in Our Hands Let us put in to practice
Tips for Energy Saving 1.Electricity 2.Water 3.Gasoline 4.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Make sure turn off light when not required. Maximize amount of daylight by opening curtains Turn of computers, printers, TV, Video games, DVD players, when not in use. Children Wear warm cloths instead of higher heat settings Set home thermostat at optimum settings Use smart power strips and turn multiple devise with a single switch. Youth Use CFL light bulbs replacing all incandescent Clean and replace furnace filters monthly Set refrigerators at optimum settings Consider using programmable thermostats Adults Electricity
Do not run the tap while brushing the teeth Reduce length of the shower by one minute When using bottled drinking water, do not throw away until it is empty. Children Conserve water while washing dishes Use hot water to the minimum Reduce length of the shower. Youth Run the dishwasher and dryer only when it is full Install a low flow shower head Water the lawns at night to avoid evaporation Adult Water
Gasoline Use public transit or school bus Use bicycle Children Do not drive fast Check car tire pressure Car pool Use public transit, walk or bike Youth As above for youth Consider buying an energy efficient or hybrid vehicle next time Use heating and A/C only when required. Encourage children to use public transit. Adults
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Use both sides of the paper while writing or printing. Print only when it is required. Reuse one sided papers. Recycle paper and plastics Children Print only when it Is required. Pack lunch in a reusable container or paper bag Reduce the trash Recycle, paper, printer cartridges, batteries, plastics and cans Youth As above for youth Use reusable bags while shopping Give your old cloths and toys to someone who needs Buy larger bags and cans for the family than smaller ones Adults
Action Plan March Discuss the concepts Tips to practice for the group Ask the group members to keep a diary to track progress (format attached) Participate in Earth Hour March 28th April Remind the group about the tips Review the diary and discuss suggestions Participate in Earth Day Programs April 22 nd Tree Planting May Conduct a study circle on the experience and suggestions Review the progress Adopt and clean up a park Energy Conservation Week in Ontario May 17-23
Action Plan- contd. June Review and introduce new ideas Tips to practice new ideas Regional Coordinators to submit Quarterly Report July Remind the group about the practice Obtain suggestions from the group August Remind the group about the practice National Coordinators to send updates to Regions based on suggestions
Action Plan- contd. Sept Study Circles Regional Coordinators to submit Quarterly Report Oct Energy Saving Week Oct 19 to 26 Focus again on Energy saving discussions Nov Continue the practice of Energy Saving
Action Plan for Dec 2009 and 2010 Dec 2009 Obtain the feedback from the Regions Review the effectiveness of the project Obtain approval from the Council for continuing in 2010 Jan 2010 If approved, send the information to the Regional Coordinators Feb 2010 Continue the project with improvements, if any
Responsibility for Implementation Regional Coordinators & Centre Presidents with support from National Education and Seva Coordinators Education Wing of the Centre – Gurus /Facilitators to teach the children/youth about the tips to practice and the significance of the project – Gurus /Facilitators to follow up with the children, youth about Energy Saving Diary – Arrange for Study Circles on this subject with the help of Spiritual Wing Seva Wing of the Centre – Seva Coordinator to follow up with the adults on the tips to practice – To implement related seva activities Observing Earth Hour Participate in Earth Day activities in the cities Tree Planting/Park Cleaning Observe Energy Conservation Week (Ontario) Observe Energy Saving Week
Dedicated with Love at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet