Instructor: Paul Lowrey Barb Rademacher Joan Reynolds Brina Smith David Walker
Tall Grass Prairie
Bison Wallows
Nature Area found to be desert: Dumping. Dumping. Bulldozing. Bulldozing. Drying pond. Drying pond. Dying life. Dying life.
NWACC Environmental Physical Science students Assess and document boundaries of habitat with GPS. Assess and document boundaries of habitat with GPS. Study water and soil samples. Study water and soil samples.
Daniel Lowe documents life in the Nature Area over a 12-month period.
Students return to NWACC Living Laboratory. Re-assess boundaries with GPS. Re-assess boundaries with GPS. Re-sample water and soil. Re-sample water and soil.
Students use cutting-edge digital mapping technology.
THE RESEARCH CONTINUES. PLANT BIOLOGY: students will document plant life in the NWACC Living Laboratory. INDEPENDENT STUDY: students will reformat GPS data for ArcGIS, modern digital spacial analysis software. INTRODUCTORY GIS: students will create digitized basemap with current information layers that can be altered and appended as necessary by future researchers
Community Aspect 1.Expansion Planning Committee 2.Future Phase III Reclamation Projects Science Classes EAST/EMPACTS Classes Independent Study 3.Future GIS Classes 4.Increase Overall Knowledge Base
INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE I (MPAX 2943) Fields of study include environmental and regulatory, landscape design, land use planning, mapping and others. Introduces students to the basic spatial data manipulation skill set necessary for utilizing GIS in the workplace. Course Objectives will be reached by: Study of case histories of data acquisition and interpretation; Hands-on manipulation and analysis of spatial data in the computer lab; and Apply learned principles to developing a final group field project using public domain metadata.
Collaborated with botany students to collect GPS data of new planter boxes and Living Laboratory in Spring, 2008.
Verify previously-collected data through reproduction of selected GPS points. Convert GPS data into usable format for ArcGIS mapping. Create an ArcGIS map of the Phase III Reclamation area with various layers displaying data collected.
MARVIN GALLLOWAY, Ph.D. Dean of Science & Mathematics, Northwest Arkansas Community College C. DIANNE PHILLIPS EAST/EMPACTS Facilitator, Math & Science Faculty, Northwest Arkansas Community College PAUL LOWREY Math & Science Faculty, Northwest Arkansas Community College BURNETTA HINTERTHUER Life & Physical Science Instructor, Northwest Arkansas Community College DANIEL LOWE EAST/EMPACTS Student, Phase III Reclamation Project, Northwest Arkansas Community College DIEGO RIOJA EAST/EMPACTS Student, Phase III Reclamation Project, Northwest Arkansas Community College KEVIN EADS Chief of Resource Management, Pea Ridge National Military Park, US National Park Service ELIZABETH A. BOWEN GIS Coordinator, Benton County Information Systems
February 19th: Plant Biology students will began collecting data from reclamation site. March 6th: Plant Biology students will present the project proposal. April 22th: Data collected and made available to GIS students. April 29th: GIS students projected data into ArcMap to produce a multi- layered map of the Reclamation area. May 1st: GIS Map completed and submitted for review.
ArcGIS 9.2 Digital Camera Digital Voice Recorder Trimble and Garmin GPS Units Microsoft PowerPoint and Front Page Google Earth Current Aerial Photo of Reclamation Area
1. Oral and Written Communication 2. Working with Peers 1.Team Building 2.Cooperation 3.Responsibility 3. Time Management and Organization 4. Networking 1.Within and Outside the NWACC Community 5. Overall Professional Enrichment 1.Academia 2.Technology 3.Service to the Community
Created a base map with multiple layers for use by: future researchers planners architects.
Walking path. Planter boxes. Fire hydrants. Oak-Hickory Woodland Area. New Buildings (Polygons). Post Oak Savannah. And others. From data supplied by current and previous classes.
Using new base map: Find data and create layers showing mima mounds. Find data and create layers showing additional post oaks. Find data and create layers showing indigenous and invasive fauna and flora. Create topological and hydrological map layers. Update map to correspond to new interchange proposal.