Works done on April and May. Were done nice things from litters. Organized Bread day. The Earth day. Meeting birds holiday. Lithuanian team from Telsiai on Comenius project,,Rainbow of friendship”.
The short project,, Respect and take care of the environment” Value: a short time project RESPECT AND TAKE CARE OF THE ENVORINMENT. Topic: Spring Month: March/ May /05
LEARNING OUTCOMES To give the knowledge to children of the Earth, and its saving opportunities. To learn kids to make the Earth nicer and saver to live on it. To learn kids to use litters and do from them nice things, to learn them to sort the litters. To learn work in Comenius team. To present them traditions, saving the Earth and to give faculty to work in the team and to get knowledge, fun together. Acquainted with the variety of birds in Lithuania. To teach them to take care for them. The picture from the works done from litters. A dress form litters LEARNING OUTCOMES
Nice things from the litters
OBJECTIVES Learning to create beauty around ourselves. To take care for the Earth and the life on it. To save the Earth RESERVOIR. The picture from the Earth day.
The Earth day
THE WORLD AROUND US We have to learn kids: to take the care to the life on the Earth, to create the beauty around ourselves To learn traditions. Picture from the birds festival.
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Kindergarten groups, the corridor, the hole, the yard. The photo from the Bread fiesta.
THINKING SKILLS To develop knowledge about environment. To love national and the world traditions and to save them. To share good relations to work in the team.
KEY COMPETENCIES Picking litters, doing nice things from them. Knowledge about bread and what’s the way before it comes to our table. Patronage birds and learning they variety in Lithuania, patronage the environment. Creating beauty around ourselves.
THE ARTS Doing nice things from litters. Learning kids the birds variety in Lithuania. To do beautify around. Making pictures.
The Bread day KIDS learned to love and save bread. They know more about the Bread traditions in Lithuania
Kids all year learned English. They sang songs. Did more practice experience to learnt English. Kids show their knowledge to the,,around table”. Around table
Thanks for this school year, have a good summer. See You in autumn.