EXPO 2015 = WORLD’S FAIR Theme: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life Timing: May 1 st to October 31 st 2015 Participants: 142 participating countries + Corporate pavilions (e.g. Coca-Cola, Apple, and many more) Visitors: – million visitors expected (40% Italian) – 1 billion virtual visitors Audience: business, government delegations, public institutions, regulatory authorities, policy makers, consumers Importance: historical showcase of innovation and contribution to progress (e.g. light bulb, elevator, diesel engine, ice-cream, touchscreen, etc.) USA Pavilion: showcase innovation and responsibility as a core of America’s values
WHY ? 3D Systems has been vetted by the State Department as one of the most innovative, respected and responsible companies reflecting the theme of the USA pavilion As plastic components, parts and packaging material can be printed where the demand is, 3D Systems technologies represent a main step forward to making global supply chains efficient, faster and more sustainable In line with our theme Food 2.0, 3D Systems’ latest ChefJet solution shows how food could be manufactured in the future
BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION Sponsoring the pavilion through production of some or print of panels for the living screens in order to show examples of the application of 3D printing solutions Becoming a content provider through sponsoring our visual guides on the food supply chain of the future: 3D Systems printing solutions can print parts and packaging where it is need and thus making supply chains faster and more efficient Sponsor our hall of innovation and showing videos featuring 3D Systems latest technologies Presenting the ChefJet printer at the pavilion or the James Beard restaurant and provide product tastings of sugar and chocolate prints Using the USA pavilion’s VIP areas, conference rooms and roof-top terrace for organizing business meetings, hosting receptions and meeting government delegations 3D Systems can help drive programming content for exhibitions, TED talks, conferences and seminars (e.g. innovation in food supply chains or manufacturing)
BECOMING A PARTNER Partnership opportunities range from 1 to 5 million dollars depending on the level of involvement Partners committing by March 15 th will have the opportunity to meet with President Obama on March 27 th in the occasion of the signing in Rome of the USA’s Participation Contract with Expo 2015