Ethiopia: True or False? Look at each of the cards, do you think the fact is true or false? If you think a statement is false, then try and explain why. Try and match up the true statement with the corresponding false statement i.e. “a cow has four legs” and “a cow has two legs”.
TRUE - Ethiopians measure time from when the sun rises to when it sets TRUE - Ethiopians measure time from when the sun rises to when it sets. So, when the sun rises at 6 o’clock it is said to be 12 o’clock – the start of the day in Ethiopia. FALSE - Ethiopians do not use clocks and can only tell the time at night by the position of the stars.
TRUE - The main language spoken in Ethiopia is Amharic, but there are over 200 dialects spoken throughout the country. FALSE - The official language in Ethiopia is English and they speak no other languages.
TRUE - Ethiopia is about 7. 5 years behind the United Kingdom TRUE - Ethiopia is about 7.5 years behind the United Kingdom. This is because the Ethiopian calendar consists of 13 months. The first 12 months each have 30 days and the 13th month has 5 days in a standard year. During a leap year, the 13th month has 6 days. FALSE - Ethiopia is about 7.5 years ahead of the UK. This is because the Ethiopian calendar consists of 11 months, so at the moment it is 2022.
FALSE - No Ethiopian has even won a gold medal at the Olympics. TRUE - Ethiopian Abebe Bikila was the first African to win gold in the Olympic Games in 1964. He finished the marathon in first place after running the whole race barefoot. FALSE - No Ethiopian has even won a gold medal at the Olympics. Peripheral People: The Excluded Minorities of Ethiopia -
TRUE - The oldest fossil skeleton of a human was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974. FALSE - No fossils have ever been found in Ethiopia, and no one understands why.
TRUE - Ethiopia is the only country in Africa with its own alphabet, it consists of 209 symbols and 25 letter. FALSE - Ethiopia is the only country in Africa with its own alphabet, it consists of only 18 letters.
Use the library or the internet to find 5 more interesting facts about Ethiopia