Chris Cialek MnGeo December 3, 2010 DCDC Committee
Mission "In order to encourage the sharing of information among government agencies in Minnesota and to reduce costs and avoid duplication of effort, the Governor's Council will: commission the development and implementation of STANDARDS; monitor the use of CONVENTIONS; and encourage the use of GUIDELINES to be used for the development, exchange, analysis and output of geographic information."
Categories of GIS standards Computing Database content and structure Data collection Spatial data processing Data presentation Data management Data exchange Personnel
Definitions Policy a high-level plan, defines a course of action Standard a definite rule, formally sanctioned, requiring adherence Convention a general agreement Guideline a recommendation
Proposed Roles and Responsibilities GCGI Identify needs; vet solutions; recommend results to IPO IPO Evaluate and sanction standards brought to it by GCGI Determine level and method of enforcement Monitor compliance State Agencies Be involved in process; agree to commit to sanctioned standards Local Government, Private sector, etc Invited to get involved; encouraged to commit
Summary Applicability Who cares about these standards? When do they apply; when do they not apply? Purpose Requirements Compliance What constitutes compliance? How will compliance be measured? References and Sources of More Information
YearStandard 1994Codes for the Identification of States 1997Codes for MN Counties 1998State Agency Coordinate Interchange 1998Geographic Metadata 2000Positional Accuracy 2002Codes for Lake and Wetland Basins 2006Codes for Watersheds 2008River Reach/Water Course IDs 2009City, Township and Unorganized Territory Identifiers 2009U.S. National Grid -Stormwater Conveyance
Metadata MN a principal contributor to 1997 NSGIC national metadata videoconference (U Wisc) $104,000 in 4 FGDC grants over 5 years for metadata development, outreach and education Positional Accuracy 1999 instructional handbook; 1,500 printed copies distributed; 100+ downloads/month today Enterprise Architecture 2005 State GIS Enterprise Conceptual Design white paper; guide to broker architecture for data distribution and services
2005: IPC sunsets OET created and IPO incorporated into it Process to ratify standards interrupted 2007: Standards Committee formed Geospatial Standards Authorization Workgroup to try and influence reinstatement of standards process (see 2008 work plan) 2008: Met with OET Dir of Strategic Planning offered to include GI standards on OET web site without ratification pending development of a new governance model that is in progress
Subject Matter Experts Architecture Domain Teams Architecture Review Board All CIO Team State CIO
Chapter 13 – Standards for Transparency Publicly available data is managed using an approved state metadata model All geospatial data conform to an approved geocode model