FEBRUARY 24, 2014 University Building and Grounds Committee Report
Update on Capital Plan CategoryProject DescriptionProject Cost Maintenance and Repair Creative Arts Center$3,650,000 Shared Service – Salt Storage$1,000,000 Modernizing Classrooms Classroom Modernization & Maintenance $5,000,000 Modernization of Library (LAKE)$960,000 Data Analytics & Visualization Environment $600,000 CompletionVeteran & Workforce Gateway$3,500,000 Total$14,710,000
Salt Barn Site Layout
Structures on Site Paved access roads to approximately 2.1 acre, fenced yard StructureOwnersh ip Salt storage structure (80’x60’, 3000 ton capacity) ODOT Truck storage (90’x50’)ODOT Morton barn (90’x50’)WSU Partially enclosed building (135’x25’)WSU Storage Building (20’x20’)WSU Open storage areaWSU
Draft Wright Way Policy (5410): Capital Project Policy Process: For all projects greater than $500,000 or any project that directly impacts natural areas, a copy of the Project Initiation Form will be presented to the Faculty President’s office upon execution to ensure that faculty are engaged early and proactively in capital projects.
Draft Wright Way Policy (5410): Capital Project Policy Natural Areas Wright Way Policy 5410 for Capital Projects applies in its entirety to any construction or renovation on natural areas (excludes landscaped areas) of the University property. Natural areas are defined as wooded, undeveloped areas. Maintenance of the existing trail system is anticipated and is not subject to this policy. In addition, an environmental impact assessment must be conducted for all projects that occur within or impact any campus natural area. This assessment will result in an Environmental Impact Statement, prepared by Facilities Planning and Development (FPD), detailing changes in the native ecosystem and impacts on other users of the natural area to be affected. Public notification of the Environmental Impact Statement will be made at least 90 days prior to commitment of construction, and communicated directly to the University Faculty Senate and Student Government. At a minimum, two public information sessions will be held during the academic year where the project and impact assessment will be presented by the Project Liaison (PL), at which public comment and input will be solicited.
Ad Hoc Woods Conservancy Committee The Senate will continue the Woods Conservancy Committee as an ad hoc committee that reports to the Senate Executive Committee. The voting membership of the committee will consist of representatives from each college. The non-voting membership will include a representative from FPD, Construction and Physical Plant.
Commitment to the Woods The University will provide support for one Graduate Research Assistant (tuition waiver + stipend) and $25K in funding for woods conservancy projects annually for three years. Unused funds can be carried over for use in future years. After the initial three year period, the funding will be renewable annually with the Provost's approval.
Woods Projects All funded conservancy projects must align with the goals of the University Mission Statement and preserve or enhance the value of the Wright State Woods. The committee will provide a description of proposed project to the Provost for approval prior to the tenth week of each spring semester. At the end of each academic year, the committee will provide a written report to the Senate and the Provost detailing the activities of the committee including a description of the outcomes of approved Woods conservancy projects.
Initial Tasks of the Committee Develop a procedure for identifying appropriate Woods projects and recommending funding these project to the Provost Develop a proposal for an easement to protect the Woods (WSU, ODNR, ODOT).
Naming rights to the pedestrian bridge