Hamburg – “Gateway to the Baltic Sea” Inter-Sectoral and Inter-Regional Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR)


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Presentation transcript:

Hamburg – “Gateway to the Baltic Sea” Inter-Sectoral and Inter-Regional Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR)

Absender The BSR – “Top of the World” One of the most competitive regions globally Baltic regions among most productive & innovative worldwide Highly dynamic economic area  “Top of Europe”

Absender Hamburg – Links to the Baltic Sea Region Largest Industries Maritime and Shipbuilding Aviation Media and IT Tourism Largest port in Germany and 2 nd largest in Europe 10% of total trade volume with Baltic States BSR 2 nd most important trading area worldwide

Absender Hamburg – Inter-Regional Development Regional Challenges Expansion of economic, scientific, educational and cultural counter environmental challenges, demographic change, globalisation etc. How does Hamburg approach regional cooperation? Political Networks (BSSSC, BDF) Bilateral Partnerships (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad) Regional Partnerships (STRING, Turku Process) Strategies, Programmes and Projects (EUSBSR, INTERREG etc.)

Absender BSLN – From Project to Institution Transnational cooperation project aimed at sustainable labour market 22 partners from 9 countries EU and non-EU partners From project to permanent regional cooperation Successfully integrated into CBSS as permanent forum

Absender Hamburg – The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Hamburg actively involved in formulation of the strategy Goals: Creation of a strategically unified approach Ecologically sustainable economic growth Security Hamburg coordinates PA Youth & Education Project-lead “BSR-QUICK” Turku Process New regional approach Joint Initiative of Turku, Regional Council of SW Finland, St. Petersburg, Hamburg

Absender Hamburg – INTERREG IV B Positive Results 24 projects from 2007 to 2013 €8.5 million in funding assistance Exchanging ideas & developing joint solutions Motor for innovation High involvement in planning for next funding period Opportunity to affect development, overall aim and prospective projects Involved in project coordination

Absender Hamburg – Current Projects Pooling of researchers, facilitating exchanges and collaboration Supports innovation of SMEs Scientific analysis at some of Europe's leading research facilities

Absender Hamburg – Current Projects Harmonisation of climate protection and conservation of historic buildings Technological advances, improvements in vocational training and political effort Hamburg working with 18 partners

Absender Hamburg – Improved use of EU-funding ●Structural Funds (EFRE, ESF) ●EU Action Programmes (e.g. Horizon 2020)

Absender Hamburg – Food for Thought ●Recommendations ●Participate in the programming of next EU funding period ●Look for funding opportunities beyond INTERREG ●Early preparation of projects

Absender Thank you for your attention!