Workshop “Applying for ECTS/DS Label” Bologna Experts Seminar Tallinn, 7-9 June 2010
ECTS Label Application Section 1 – Identification To be filled in appropriately and in all its parts
Section 2- Documents Required(1) 2.1 Information Package/Course Catalogue - Information Package/Course Catalogue, of the applicant institution describing : all the items in the ECTS Key Features checklist for all first and second cycle degree programmes offered other information concerning the applicant institution, to be found via menus on the following web pages: - In English (compulsory) - In English (compulsory) Information on the institution: Information on the institution: Information on degree programmes: Information on degree programmes: General information for students: General information for students: - In the regional/national language (optional) - In the regional/national language (optional) It is optional for the applicant institution to provide the link to its web site in the regional/national language, containing the information package/course catalogue: It is optional for the applicant institution to provide the link to its web site in the regional/national language, containing the information package/course catalogue: confirmation that the info includes description of recognition procedures and procedures for the credit allocation based on student workload in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
Section 2 - Documents Required(2) 2.2 Complete ECTS files concerning 3 outgoing students -Three certified copies (signed, stamped and dated) -Recognized credits should be equal to those earned by the student
Section 2 - Documents Required(3) Each of the 3 certified files consists of copies of: Each of the 3 certified files consists of copies of: -Transcript of Records (before departure) -Learning Agreement (with changes if any) -Transcript of Records (after the mobility period) -Proof of academic recognition
Section 2 - Documents Required(4) 2.3 Three complete ECTS files concerning three incoming students (signed, stamped and dated). Each of the 3 certified files consists of copies of: Each of the 3 certified files consists of copies of: -Learning Agreement (with agreed changes, if any) -Transcript of Records provided after the mobility period
Section 3 - Declaration To be completed by the legally authorized person to sign on behalf of the applicant institution (signed, stamped, dated)
Annexes to be consulted Annex 1: ECTS Key Features 2009 Annex 1: ECTS Key Features 2009 Annex 2: Checklist for the Information Package/Course Catalogue Annex 2: Checklist for the Information Package/Course Catalogue Annex 3: Common pitfalls Annex 3: Common pitfalls Also: Frequently Asked Questions at:
Information Package/Course Catalogue Part 1: Information on the institution (a): - name and address - academic calendar - academic authorities - general description of the institution (including type and status)
Part 1: Information on the institution (b): - list of programmes offered - general admission requirements -general arrangements for the recognition of prior learning (formal, informal and non-formal) (formal, informal and non-formal) - general registration procedures
Part 1: Information on the institution (c): -ECTS credit allocation based on the student workload needed in order to achieve expected learning outcomes - arrangements for academic guidance.
Part 2: Information on programmes General description : - qualification awarded -level of qualification -specific admission requirements -specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal ) (formal, non-formal and informal )
General description (cont/d ) - qualification requirements and regulations regulations - profile of the programme - key learning outcomes - occupational profiles of graduates with examples examples - access to further studies
General description (cont/d) - course structure diagram with credits (60 per full-time academic year) (60 per full-time academic year) - examination regulations, assessment and grading and grading - graduation requirements - mode of study (full-time, part-time, e-learning...), (full-time, part-time, e-learning...), - programme director or equivalent.
Description of individual course units: - course unit title - course unit code - type of course unit (compulsory, optional) - level of course unit (e.g. first, second or third cycle; sub-level if applicable) third cycle; sub-level if applicable) - year of study (if applicable) - semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered delivered
Description of individual course units (cont/d ): - number of ECTS credits allocated - name of lecturer(s) - learning outcomes of the course unit - mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning) learning) - prerequisites and co-requisites - recommended optional programme components components - course contents
Description of individual course units (cont/d) - recommended or required reading - recommended or required reading - planned learning activities and teaching - planned learning activities and teaching methods methods - assessment methods and criteria - assessment methods and criteria - language of instruction - language of instruction - work placement(s) - work placement(s)
Part 3: General information for students: - cost of living - accommodation - meals - medical facilities - facilities for special abilities students - insurance - financial support for students - student affairs office
Part 3: General information for students (cont/d): - learning facilities Part 3: General information for students (cont/d): - learning facilities - international programmes - practical information for mobile students - language courses - internships - sports and leisure facilities - student associations
Course Structure Diagram with credits (30 per semester), First Cycle Degree Programme with 180 ECTS credits - An example - First semester ECTS credits ECTS credits BA 133 Microeconomics 8 BA 167 Principles of Accounting 6 BA 145 Business Law 5 BA 139 Macroeconomics 8 BA 151 Business English 3 Total 30 Total 30 Second semester ECTS credits ECTS credits BA 234 Business Mathematics 6 BA 256 Principles of Management 5 BA 244 Business Informatics 6 BA 288 International Economics 8 BA 262 International Marketing 5 Total 30 Total 30
Course Structure Diagram with credits (30 per semester) – An example (cont/d) Third semester ECTS credits a)C ompulsory courses BA 351 Business Policy 6 BA 329 Cost Accounting 8 BA 355 Strategy 5 BA 377 Corporate Finance 7 b) One elective from the following two electives: BA 323 Human Resource Management 4 BA 367 Organizational Behaviour 4 Total 30 Total 30
Course Structure Diagram with credits (30 per semester) – An example (cont/d) Fourth semester ECTS credits a)Compulsory courses Course code and title 6 Course code and title 8 Course code and title 5 Course code and title 7 b) One elective from the following two electives: Course code and title 4 Total 30 Total 30
Course Structure Diagram with credits (30 per semester) – An example (cont/d) Fifth semester ECTS credits a)Compulsory courses Course code and title 6 Course code and title 8 Course code and title 5 Course code and title 7 b) One elective from the following two electives: Course code and title 4 Total 30 Total 30
Course Structure Diagram with credits (30 per semester) – An example (cont/d) Sixth semester ECTS credits a)Compulsory courses: - Course code and title 6 - Course code and title 7 - Course code and title 7 - Course code and title 5 - Course code and title 5 b) Two electives from the following three electives: - Course code and title 6 - Course code and title 6 Total 30 Total 30 Total number of credits of the programme: 180 ECTS
Common pitfalls(1) -Confirmation boxes are not ticked in the application form in the application form -Course structure diagram not presented with ECTS credits per programme and with clear description of credit distribution per semester with ECTS credits per programme and with clear description of credit distribution per semester
Common pitfalls(2) Information Package/Course Catalogue 1.- Not entirely provided in English 2.- Not easily traceable on the website 3.- Not complete information 4.- Missing information in degree programmes description 5.- Credits are not 20 per trimester, 30 per semester and 60 per year.
Common pitfalls(3) 6.- The number of credits appears in each course but it is not clarified if each course but it is not clarified if they are ECTS or national they are ECTS or national 7.- Some courses are not allocated credits though they are included in the program 8.- Missing or incomplete description of the recognition procedures
Common pitfalls(4) 9.- The credit allocation methodology (including calculation of ECTS credits based on student workload) is NOT described or NOT based on learning outcomes NOT based on learning outcomes 10.- Lack of clear explanation of institutional method for ECTS credit allocation and how it is linked to learning outcomes and student workload
Common pitfalls (5) 11.- Course structure diagram -does not specify semester and type of course units, -information is hard to trace, inadequate and not transparent, -ECTS credit allocation is not consistent with ECTS rules
Common pitfalls (6) - Course structure diagram does not present 30 ECTS credits for each semester, the ECTS rules are not followed (e.g. one degree ends with 225 credits instead of 240) (e.g. one degree ends with 225 credits instead of 240) - Missing information in course catalogue (e.g. examination regulations, assessment, grading)
Common pitfalls(5) Student Files 1.- Not certified copies 2.- Missing: dates and signatures of the student and coordinators 3.- Missing explanation of the local grading system 4.- Students have been awarded credits without having succeeded in the exams
Common pitfalls(6) 5.- Missing local grades and/or ECTS credits 6.- Inconsistency between the Learning Agreement and the Proof of Recognition 7.- Learning Agreements not in place before the start of the exchange period 8.- The number of credits recognized is higher or lower than earned by the student.
Common pitfalls(7) 9. No indication of length of stay -in host institutions (for outgoing students) (for outgoing students) -in applicant institutions (for incoming students) (for incoming students)
ECTS USERS’ GUIDE policy/doc/ects/guide_en.pdf policy/doc/ects/guide_en.pdf Information on ECTS: policy/doc48_en.htm policy/doc48_en.htm
DS Label Application Section 1 – Identification To be filled in appropriately and in all its parts
Section 2 – Documents required 2.1. Examples of DS issued -DS should respect the checklist of Annex 1 and the explanatory notes of Annex 2 -They should be certified copies (anonymised, signed, stamped and dated) -NO ORIGINALS
Four in total examples of DS issued DS must be provided for: 1.- Two students in different subject areas after completion of their first cycle studies AND AND 2.- Two students in different subject areas after completion of their second cycle studies OR OR One student after completion of his or her second cycle studies and one student after completion of his or her third cycle studies. One student after completion of his or her second cycle studies and one student after completion of his or her third cycle studies.
2.2 Confirmation 1.- DS copies comply with the DS model and explanatory notes (Annexes 1 and 2) 2.- All students receive DS automatically, free of charge upon graduation 3.- DS issued in a widely spoken European language, and, if so wished, in another language 4.- All DS examples submitted are certified copies of original DS issued to students who graduated
2.3 Public Information on the DS Web pages of the institution -where it is stated that the DS is issued in a widely spoken European language, in a widely spoken European language, awarded automatically and free of charge to awarded automatically and free of charge to each student each student -Including a completed DS example (anonymised)
Section 3 - Declaration To be completed by the legally authorized person to sign on behalf of the applicant institution (signed, stamped, dated) (signed, stamped, dated)
Annexes to be consulted Annex 1: DS Model Checklist Annex 2: Explanatory notes to the DS Annex 3: Common pitfalls
Common pitfalls(1) Not ticked confirmation boxes The DS does not follow the official model (sections and sub-sections missing or modified or added) Incomplete or not transparent information The number of DS submitted is lower than required
Common pitfalls(2) Though the institution offers 1 st and 2 nd cycle studies only one cycle is represented in the DS submitted In the website it is not stated that the DS is issued in a widely spoken European language, given automatically and free of charge to every student upon graduation
Common pitfalls(3) A completed (anonymized) DS example is not appearing on the website but a blank example A Transcript of Records has not been included in the DS example published on the website (in Section 4.3 or as attachment to the DS) Drafts instead of DS certified copies have been submitted.
Diploma Supplement Information on the DS and examples
Source: European Commission – DG EAC EACEA ECTS label Application form DS Label Application form
Thank you very much for your attention, and….. Good luck to all our efforts! Our students deserve it!
Presentation by Katerina Galanaki ECTS/DS National Contact Point – Greece