STARTING OFF: Research Concepts Research Processes Component 1
R EVIEW Research Philosophies and Paradigms Positivist Naturalistic Postpositivist Critical Theory Other perspectives (feminist)
A IMS OF RESEARCH PARADIGMS Positivist Understanding underlying cause One reality Scientific methodology – deductive – theory proven by data Empirical evidence (rooted in objective reality, not hunches) Systematic Numeric data Generalizable Problematic when trying to answer questions of moral or ethical perspective Humans are not just facts and figures, but are complex. Too narrow, too rigid at times. Measurement is problematic for some concepts
Naturalistic Explore the ‘humanist’ perspective Not reductionist, but expansive, flexible Multiple realities Focuses on understanding human experience, not necessarily answering all questions about it Takes time Occurs in the ‘natural setting’ – or “field” Inductive (observation or data to theory) – framework which helps explain process Humans are the collection instrument Personal and subjective – can be problematic Typically smaller groups – generalizability not seen
COMPONENT 1 Consists of : Area of interest Background to the problem you have identified Reason this should be researched (link to practice) Problem statement (s) Research Question(s) References 2 – 3 pages
Area of Interest Why do you want or why should this area be explored ? new problem you encountered in practice, or in reading Something you saw which has you thinking why? Or who? Or what? Needs to be something which can be impacted by nursing (clinical, education, or administration)
BACKGROUND TO PROBLEM What is known Current practices Will require some reading of literature
REASON THIS SHOULD BE RESEARCHED ? Practice implications Ethical implications Knowledge development in nursing
PROBLEM STATEMENT(S) Addresses the issue Takes into account the background Addresses a gap seen Is specific but not focused
RESEARCH QUESTION(S) Focused Specific Address what is being researched Variables
REFERENCES APA 6 TH ED If you used any references, and YOU should b/c we are not just going by hunches here.
A PA GAME Groups of 3 – 4 Each group has 1 reference. Reassemble and write out on board Remainder of class to MAY not be right