USAID LEAF Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development Module: Social and Environmental Soundness (SES) Section 3. State of the Art in Action: Bringing.


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Presentation transcript:

USAID LEAF Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development Module: Social and Environmental Soundness (SES) Section 3. State of the Art in Action: Bringing the Pieces Together 3.2. Streamlining of Safeguards and Standards

NameAffiliationNameAffiliation Surin Onprom; Co-Lead Kasetsart University, Thailand Tran Thi Thu HaVietnam Forestry University Penporn Janekarnkij; Co-Lead Kasetsart University, Thailand Nguyen Dinh HaiVietnam Forestry University Rejani Kunjappan; Co-Lead RECOFTC Thailand Vo Mai AnhVietnam Forestry University Claudia Radel; Co-Lead Utah State University Tran Tuan VietVietnam Forestry University Sarah Hines; Co-Lead US Forest Service Cao Tien TrungVinh University, Vietnam Sidthinat Prabudhanitisarn Chiang Mai University, Thailand Nguyen T. Trang ThanhVinh University, Vietnam Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria University Kebangsaan Malaysia Nguyen Thu HaUSAID Vietnam Forests & Deltas Mohd Rusli Yacob University Putra Malaysia Maeve NightingaleIUCN MFF Kaisone Phengspha National University of Laos Guada LagradaPACT MPE Phansamai Phengspha National University of Laos Le Van Trung DARD Lam Dong Kethsa Nanthavongduangsy National University of Laos Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh AIT Thailand Freddie Alei University of Papua New Guinea David GanzUSAID LEAF Bangkok Chay Kongkruy Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia Kalpana GiriUSAID LEAF Bangkok Soreivathanak Reasey Hoy Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Chi Pham Project Coordinator USAID LEAF Bangkok

I.INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1.Introduction to Climate Change 1.2.The Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Context 1.3.Introduction to Social and Environmental Soundness (SES) 1.4.Guiding Frameworks – Sustainable Development & Ethics II.WHAT SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES EXIST: STRENGHENING DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REDD 2.1.Environmental Co-benefits: Introduction to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Carbon/REDD+ Project Accounting, Carbon Monitoring & MRV 2.2.Governance Regulatory Framework, Forest Tenure, and Carbon Rights 2.3. Stakeholder Participation FPIC 2.4. Social Co-benefits 2.5. Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment Gender Analysis Tools Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index 2.6. Indigenous Peoples and their Empowerment 2.7. Local Livelihoods: An Introduction Livelihoods impact Case Study: April Salumei, PNG 2.8. REDD+ Benefits Sharing 2.9. Economic and Financial Viability and Sustainability III.STATE OF THE ART IN ACTION: BRINGING THE PIECES TOGETHER 3.1.Safeguard Mechanisms in REDD+ Programs 3.2.Streamlining of Safeguards and Standards 3.3.Developing National Level Safeguards

At the end of this section, learners will be able to:  Assess the need and options for streamlining safeguards and standards

 Explain why streamlining is important  Analyze when, what, and who should be involved in streamlining safeguards & standards

Methods  Lecture Time  0.5 to 1 session or hour

 Review materials from SES module section 3.1  Read: Jagger, P., Lawlor, K., Brockhaus, M., Gebara, M. F., Sonwa, D. J., and Resosudarmo, I. A. P REDD+ safeguards in national policy: Discourse and pilot projects. In Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices, edited by A. Angelsen, CIFOR.

 Many safeguards/standards—which to choose?  This can be a difficult question  Need options for streamlining the safeguards

 To harmonize procedures and guidance material of various agencies (FCPF/UNREDD)  To operationalize REDD+ actions in countries through unified and efficient process  To avoid confusion/burden on countries to follow multiple sets of guidance on similar issues

Understand similarities & differences among safeguards/ standards in: 1. why use the mechanism 2. when to use the mechanism 3. what issues it covers, and 4. who participates in the process and its governance

WHY?  to promote effective design and adaptive management  to access and maintain funding  to demonstrate compliance with national law and with international obligations  to build and maintain support among stakeholders: local people affected by REDD+ activities interest groups/NGOs general public WHEN?  Design-readiness phase  Implementation phase

WHAT?  Governance: coherence, participation, disclosure, accountability, grievance mechanisms  Rights: respect for rights, Indigenous Peoples and local communities  Impacts: social and environmental, negative and/or positive, for different stakeholder groups  Actions to avoid or mitigate negative & enhance positive impacts WHO?  Defining what information is to be collected  Collecting, reviewing and reporting information  Governance of safeguards mechanisms

Design - ReadinessImplementation SESA Why: improve design, build support What: governance, rights, +/- impacts Who: multi-stakeholder, participatory ESMF Why: requirement for funding, improve design What: WB OPs - rights, negative impacts, mitigation action Who: principally government and delivery partner When Principles and Criteria, Risk Identification Mitigation + Benefits Why: requirement for funding, improve design, international obligations? What : P&C - governance, rights, +/- impacts, mitigation action Who: ? Participatory Governance Assessment and Guidance Why: improve design, build stakeholder support, feedback to improve design What: governance, adapted to country context Who: multi-stakeholder, participatory identification of indicators and assessment REDD+ SES Why: reporting framework, build stakeholder support, improve design What: governance, rights, +/- impacts, mitigation action, adapted to country context Who: multi-stakeholder, participatory identification indicators, assessment, review

 The World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Fund and UNREDD have issued joint guidelines.  These guidelines are on stakeholder engagement in REDD+ readiness, with a focus on the participation of Indigenous Peoples and other forest-dependent communities.  Joint guidelines are a step towards streamlining.

1 Define the desired outcomes and the consultation 2 Identify stakeholders 3 Identify the issues to consult on 4 Define the terms of the consultation 5 Select the consultation and outreach methods 6 Ensure that stakeholders have sufficient capacity to engage fully and effectively in consultations 7 Conduct the consultation 8 Analyze and disseminate results

1. Jagger, P., Lawlor, K., Brockhaus, M., Gebara, M. F., Sonwa, D. J., and Resosudarmo, I. A. P REDD+ safeguards in national policy: Discourse and pilot projects. In Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices, edited by A. Angelsen, CIFOR. 2. UNREDD and FCPF Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement in REDD+ Readiness With a Focus on the Participation of Indigenous Peoples and Other Forest-Dependent Communities. April 20 (revision of March 25th version). older_Engagement/tabid/55619/Default.aspx