ISN in a Nutshell 21st APAN Meeting Tokyo, Japan January 25, 2006 Ben Teitelbaum
2 What if Succeeded? SIP.edus Big Goals Better than POTS Campus-enabled Converged address But, users wont adopt advanced communications if the rest of the world cant call them The problem is not: How to preserve E.164? rather, the problem is…
3 How to SIP from 12-key phones? Cell Phones IP Desk Phones Legacy Desk Phones PSTN Old World Emerging New World
4 Head Scratching in WG IVR Gateway Hash Registrar Domain Redirect ISN Improvement on Domain Redirect Inspired by INOC-DBA
5 4257*260 ITADs Defined by Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP) [RFC3219] Globally unique Lots of them (256 through ) IANA is already set up to allocate ISN resolution works just like ENUM locally assigned Internet Telephony Administrative Domain (ITAD) ITAD Subscriber Numbers (ISN)
6 Take an E.164 number Convert it to FQDN Query DNS for NAPTRs Apply resulting regexs to get list of URIs: ENUM in a Nutshell
7 Take an ISN Convert it to FQDN Query DNS for NAPTRs Apply resulting regexs to get list of URIs: ISN in a Nutshell 4257* Note: We are working to ensure that the ISN root zone will be administered on behalf of the ISN user community by a neutral, non-profit organization. Following the trial, the root may or may not be
8 Trial just starting Supported by Internet2, Packet Clearing House, MIT, Tello ISN Cookbook Published Recipes for SER and Asterisk Registered ITADs Today –Internet2 (260) –FreeWorld Dialup (262) –Hofstra University (264) –UCLA (269) (accepting) –MIT (270) (accepting) –State of Oregon (276) ISN Status Coming Soon –Stanford (274) –U Alaska (277) –UC Berkeley (278) –Florida State U (280) –U Manitoba (281) –U Oregon (283) –+22 others
9 ISN in Four Easy Steps 1.Request an ITAD from IANA Simple piece of 2-week turnaround 2.Publish your ITAD/ISN information in DNS Option1: Put full NAPTR in root zone * IN NAPTR "u" "E2U+sip Option2: Have root zone delegate to your own nameservers 3.Enable inbound ISN calling 4.Enable outbound ISN calling Option1: Native ISN lookup Option2: Using Tello SIP redirector Option3: Using Tello private ENUM
10 More Information ISN Cookbook Web Site Further Questions? us… John Todd Ben Teitelbaum Dennis Baron
11 Thanks!