Trust Relationships in Grid CHEP 07 Mine Altunay.


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Presentation transcript:

Trust Relationships in Grid CHEP 07 Mine Altunay

Organizational Structures Traditional organizations brick and mortar well-defined hierarchy up-down info flow face-face time everyone knows their place and responsibility Grid communities virtual flat organization side-side info flow willing collaboration limited face-face time

Trust: Essential ingredient in Grids Collaboration based on trust Trust is relationship between two parties such that one party believes the other one does what s/he promises to do Three key factors of a trust relationship: when time the parties should perform, clear start-end dates how under the conditions parties perform what actions they perform

How Grid participants cultivate trust Ad-hoc, immature process Use established contacts Meet face-face Phone your friends up Manual processing Current Automated processes to build, grow and monitor trust relationships Trust relationship lifecycle Cultivate transitive trust relationships Our Goal

Formalizing trust relationship Trust A (B, Action, Period, Cond) = Level of Assurance A’s trust in B to perform action under the condition cond during the time period is equal to the level of assurance LoA, where LoA Є (low, high, medium) Unidirectional, non-reflexive – A trust B ≠ B trusts A Transitive function – A trusts B, B trusts C  A trusts C

Benefits of Formalization Categorize trust relationships based on levels of assurance Monitor relationships Reach agreements between two parties – Well-defined expectations Promote collaborations

Trust Relationship Lifecycle Definition Categorization Agreement Publication Monitoring Termination Restoration Definition name the parties define actions define the conditions Categorization determine level of assurance Agreement reach an agreement over the trust relationship establish non-repudiation and traceability Publication publish the agreement to all involved parties use for monitoring Monitoring enforce the agreement sample behavior detect non-compliant behavior store info for future trust relationships Termination end the trust relationship Restoration restore the terminated trust relationship

Transitive Trust

VO #1 Site#1 VO#2 Site#3 Site#2 VO #1 Member Transitive relationships Transitive relationship

Transitive trust relationships Builds a web of trust Reduces one-one relationships Broadens available resources Eases collaboration

OSG VO Site register Ad-hoc VO Site Complete trust life-cycle -- Automated trust establishment -- Service-level agreements -- Agreed upon access rights -- Agreed usage policy -- Monitoring of trust -- enforcements (breach of agreements)

Trusting in Grid Trust: Essential Ingredient in Grids when  the time parties should perform how  under the conditions they perform what  actions they perform The Current meet face-face Phone your friends up Formalizing Trust relationship Trust A (B, Action, Period, Cond) = Level of Assurance A’s trust in B to perform action under the condition cond during the time period is equal To the level of assurance LoA, where LoA Є (low, high, medium) reach an agreement establish non-repudiation and traceability Definition Categorization Agreement Publication Monitoring Termination Restoration name the parties define actions define conditions determine level of assurance publish the agreement to all involved parties use for monitoring sample behavior detect non-compliance store info for future end the trust relationship restore the terminated relationship Trust Life-Cycle One-One Trust Relationships Benefits of Trust Formalization Categorize trust relationships based on levels of assurance Reach agreements between two parties Well-defined expectations Monitor relationships Enforcement of the agreements -- Unidirectional, non-reflexive A trust B ≠ B trusts A -- Transitive function A trusts B, B trusts C  A trusts C One-one trust VO #1 Site#1 VO#2 Site#3 Site#2 VO #1 member Transitive trust relationships Transitive trust relationship One-one trust One-one trust One-one trust One-one trust VO Site Complete trust life-cycle Automated trust establishment Service-level agreements Agreed upon access rights Agreed usage policy Monitoring of trust Enforcements (breach of agreements) register OSG VO Site register Ad-hoc missing link Our Goal Build web of trust Reduces one-one relationships Broadens available resources Eases collaboration Why essential ? What is it? Trust is a relationship between two parties such that one party believes the other one does what s/he promises to do hierarchical brick and mortar up-down info flow face-face time flat organization virtual side-side info flow willing collaboration Grid depends on collaborations Collaborations depends on trust Thus, grid depends on trust Grid community: vs. Traditional Organization How to formalize it ? How to accomplish it ? Our Goal The OSG process for establishing trust: registration agreements, agreed usage policies (AUP) OSG