WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Activity of the P6 in the frame work of the project: regeneration of 300 lettuce accessions WP 2 – P6 (INRA-France) Objectives for year 1: regeneration of 75 L. sativa
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Work made at INRA in year 1 Regeneration of lettuce accessions Control of the harvested seeds Quality : germination Seed production under insect proof plastic tunnel Storage of seeds in 2 conditions (6° and -18°C) Purity : homogeneity of progeny by observation of morphological type Insect-proof tunnel Control of winter cultivars
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Choice of 300 accessions for regeneration Old public cultivars Genotypes from public lab (USDA, US universities,…) Cultivars authorized by breeding companies Cultivars received more than 20 years ago without restriction Accessions free for seed distribution 300 accessions multiplied in
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Regeneration of lettuce in 2007 Culture in 2007: 38 accessions (with 2 plants) Sowing of old seeds23 February Plantation 10 April Notation of the minimum descriptors for flowering Harvesting plant by plant from July to August (10-40 g/plant) Storage of seed samples at -18°C 7 December (about 2 x 5-6 g/accession) Insect-proof tunnel used for seed production
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Culture in field in 2007 : accessions harvested in 2006 Control in 2007 of harvested seeds Sowing 16 March Plantation 12 April Notation of the minimum descriptors for vegetative characters and picturesMay Culture in tunnel in 2007: winter accessions harvested in 2006 or 2007 Sowing 14 September Plantation 4 October Notation of the minimum descriptors for vegetative characters and picturesNovember-December
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Winter tunnel in November 2007 Total for the LeafyVeg project Each accession: 2 plots of 32 plants Other accessions are recent cultivars 12 batavia 1 31 butterhead 19 8 leaf lettuce 1 1 cos
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Control of winter Butterhead lettuce cv GX535 cv Bremex Old cultivars
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Control of winter Butterhead lettuce cv Octavo (RZ) cv Pegase (Vilmorin) Modern cultivars from breeding companies
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Control of winter lettuce Pictures for accession characterization Batavia VerdieButterhead Magdalena Butterhead Pégase Butterhead Méliès Butterhead Raphaela Butterhead Tekla
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Choice of the 300 accessions for ILDB (sent to Rob) Regeneration of 42 accessions and storage of the seeds Control of harvested seeds in open field = 27 open field accessions harvested in 2006 under plastic tunnel = 21 winter accessions harvested in Notation of minimum descriptors and photos Translation of the press release for publication in French agricultural journals (in collaboration with Valérie) Conclusion of the year 1 for P6 Activities made in 2007
WP2-P6-INRA LeafyVeg-12December2007 Copy in Excel format of the minimum descriptors to include in ILDB (+ some other descriptors and photos?) Possibility to choose the other free accessions of the lettuce (L. sativa) INRA collection to include in ILDB Conclusion of the year 1 for P6 Work still to be done Activities planned in LeafyVeg project Complete the passport data and send to Rob Other activities