Frank Martin Seifert EO Science and Applications Division ESA Earth Observation Programme SDCG-8 | 23 September 2015 | Bonn Sentinel-1 and -2 Core Data
Sentinel-1 Mission C-band SAR imaging mission in continuation of ERS and Envisat 7 years design life time with consumables for 12 years 12 days repeat cycle (1 satellite), 6 days for the 2 satellite constellation Up to 25 minutes duty cycle in any of the image modes 4 mutually exclusive SAR modes with different resolution and coverage Main modes of operations: -IW over land and coastal waters (normally VV or VV/VH polarization) -EW over extended sea (VV or VV/VH) and sea-ice (HH or HH/HV) areas -WV over open oceans
Sentinel-1 for GFOI Several GFOI priority areas have been acquired from Sentinel-1 up to now (overall / dual-pol scenes): Colombia: 2637 / 192 Ecuador: 1116 / 21 Peru: 2833 / 129 Tanzania: 2377 / 274 Kenya: 1305 / 122 Uganda: 1063 / 112 Cameroon: 712 / 464 DRC: 1303 / 391 Cambodia: 389 / 241 Viet-Nam:1421 / 584 Sumatra:1588 / 575
Date of logging Sentinel-1A Time Series to Monitor Forest Logging in Vietnam
Sentinel-1 Cycle 58 Australia:
Sentinel-1 Cycle 59
Sentinel-1 Cycle 60
Sentinel-2A launched on 23 June 2015 Data available publicly after end of commissioning phase in Oct Sentinel-2 290 km
Sentinel-2 in full resolution over the Amazon 13 spectral bands in VIS/NIR/SWIR Spatial resolution: 10m / 20m / 60 m Swath: 290 km 5 days revisit at the Equator (with 2 spacecrafts) Systematic coverage between 84°N and 56°S 13 spectral bands in VIS/NIR/SWIR Spatial resolution: 10m / 20m / 60 m Swath: 290 km 5 days revisit at the Equator (with 2 spacecrafts) Systematic coverage between 84°N and 56°S
Baseline in full operations is systematic acquisition of: All land surfaces (-56° and +84° latitude); Major (greater than 100 km 2 size) and EU islands; Coastal (20km off the coast) inland waters, Mediterranean Sea and all closed seas; S2 nominal observation plan in Routine Operations
Sentinel-2 Phases until Full Operational Capacity
Sentinel-2 Ramp-up Phase Ramp-up: gradually increasing the observations as well as mission performance gradual increase of acquisition capacity from an initial observation/processing scenario (currently average 5 min/orbit) to full systematic land observation ensuring coverage of global Cal/Val needs and as early as possible Copernicus Services dataset needs starting from Europe and extending gradually to the world ensuring maximum coverage/optimized orbit length for generation of a Global Reference Image (GRI), required to produce high accuracy L1C products. This may take up to 9 months to complete. The acquisition strategy for the GRI i.e. will depend largely on Weather/cloud occurrence and duration until a satisfactory database for GRI production is reached over a given area Illumination conditions: with a launch of S2A on 23 June 2015 and IOCR normally foreseen 3 months later (currently in the first half of October), the start of regular GRI data takes coincides with increasingly unfavorable illumination conditions north of degrees northern latitude The combination of the two factors may trigger a need to wait for another season to conclude GRI data takes in certain regions.
Space Triangulation S2 Products Image and ancillary data GCP and tie points block adjustment GCP and tie points block adjustment S2 Products + refined viewing models DEM Objective: To obtain a full repeat cycle dataset of well-localized mono- spectral Level-1B images (band 4, red) which will be used as reference images in the processing chain. Objective: To obtain a full repeat cycle dataset of well-localized mono- spectral Level-1B images (band 4, red) which will be used as reference images in the processing chain. Methodology: Massive spatio-triangulation on multi-continental blocks (starting with Europe-Asia-Africa block). Methodology: Massive spatio-triangulation on multi-continental blocks (starting with Europe-Asia-Africa block). GRI planned around Launch + 9 months. GRI planned around Launch + 9 months. Global Reference Image (GRI) Generation
GRI sub-blocks The current sub-division of GRI-blocks is being updated to include the EEA-39 region within the Europe block, thus altering potentially also Asia-01, Asia-07 and Africa-02. For the GRI generation, the world is divided in sub-continental blocks. This will allow to optimize resources by planning/re-planning smaller units to acquire data in different parts of the world instead of within a continent for a given period. to consider ‘Copernicus services’ and other user priorities alongside GRI technical constraints when defining the observation plans during ramp-up.
Sentinel over Africa
SIMULATING SENTINEL-2A ACQUISITION FREQUENCY WITH SPOT-4/TAKE-5 Monitoring logging activities: forest tracks in Northern Congo March 4 th March 19 th April 3 rd June 2 nd OpeningLogging 15 days 60 days15 days 2,5 km 1,3km3,5km7,6km10,5km
Sentinel Information Sentinel Websites: Sentinel Data Hub:
Greetings from S-2 Mission Manager