Including Student Growth in Educator Evaluation Day 3 Monitoring and Adjusting January, 2014
Sessions Addressing Student Growth Setting Student Growth Goals (SGGs) Monitoring SGGs Reflecting and Evaluating SGGs Connecting with CCSS, SBAC and other initiatives
Norms of Collaboration Pausing Paraphrasing Posing questions Putting ideas on the table Providing data Paying attention to self and others Presuming positive intentions Anything else?
Intended Outcomes for this Session Examine your district’s year-long teacher evaluation cycle to: – determine present status – establish next steps for implementation Consider your progress on the Principal Evaluation system Analyze, in greater depth, your progress in monitoring student growth goals in order to inform next steps
Entry Task - Reflect On your own, write about our last session. – major learnings – action steps you took – clarifications you need Make a friend from another district – share your reflections
Reviewing the Teacher Evaluation Cycle
Year-Long Teacher Evaluation Cycle 7
The Year-Long Teacher Evaluation Cycle In your team, develop a visual depicting your district’s year-long evaluation and professional growth cycle. Include milestone dates/activities such as: Self-assessment Goal setting – Criteria – Student growth goal creation and assessment selection Observation cycle (formal and informal) Data collection (student growth evidence and other evidence) Summative score and rating
The Year-Long Teacher Evaluation Cycle Respond to these questions on a chart paper: – How are you using eVAL or another management system? How is your management system supporting the monitoring of the cycle? – What other forms and tools are you using? – What other forms and tools do you still need to find or create? – When and how (forms or tools you use) do you monitor for evidence of student growth? Please highlight or star on your Evaluation Cycle.
Gallery Walk Post your visual along with your responses to the previous questions. Using the organizer, “visit” the other districts and record ideas to take back to your own district. Table talk to share ideas to inform your own plan.
Table Talk Back with your team: – Review the ideas you found on the charts that you found helpful. – Make a list of those things you will explore further for use in your own district.
Reviewing the Principal Evaluation Cycle
August/ September Self Assessment and Goal Setting Sept./ Oct./Nov. Scheduling Monitoring/ Support Conferences Initial Conference #1 (Fall) Dec../ Jan. Feb. Monitoring / Support Conference #2 (Winter) March/ April Monitoring/ Support Conference #3 (Spring) May/ June Summative Conference Self-Assessment/ Reflection, Personal Goal based on self-assessment/ District Goal based on District context Ongoing Monitoring and Support - visits, walk throughs and observations Ongoing Monitoring and Support - visits, walk throughs and observations Ongoing Monitoring and Support - visits, walk throughs and observations Ongoing Monitoring and Support - visits, walk throughs and observations Providing continued support, responding to questions where candidate is between two ratings. Ongoing Monitoring and Support - visits, walk throughs and observations, prepping for summative conf. Reflecting on goals, progress and next steps... An end-of-year self assessment? Year -long Principal Evaluation Cycle
Principal Evaluation Progress Sharing What’s going well? What do you still need to work on? What are your next steps?
What’s Next? Make a list of those things you will explore further for use in your own district for the principal evaluation.
Monitoring Student Growth within the Evaluation Cycle
Monitoring Student Growth – Reflect and Share Use the Self Reflection Sheet for your role to consider your current progress on monitoring student growth (5 minutes on your own). Get in job-alike groups to share your thinking/work regarding (20 minutes) – celebrations for work done – forms or protocols being used – questions still unanswered Share aha’s, highlights back in the whole group
For Teachers Are all students making progress toward the student growth goal I set for them? – How do I know? Who needs more support? – How do I know? How do I determine the appropriate approach/intervention? – How do I know? What help do I need and where do I find it? Other questions that need addressing?
For Building Administrators Are all teachers/teacher groups monitoring progress towards the student growth goals they set? – How do I know? Who needs more support? – How do I know? How do I/we determine the appropriate approach/intervention? For students? For teachers? What help do I/we need and where do I/we find it? How will I ensure they get the support? Other questions that need addressing?
For Central Office Administrators Are all building administrators monitoring progress towards the student growth goals they set? – How do I know? Who needs more support? – How do I know? How will I ensure they get the support? How do I/we determine the appropriate approach/intervention? For students? For teachers? – How do I/we know? – What help do I/we need and where do I/we find it? Other questions that need addressing?
For Central Office Administrators: As Evaluators of Principals How do I ensure that building administrators are: – planning with data? – assisting staff to use data to monitor and adjust instruction? – connecting student growth to the school improvement plan? – evaluating staff on effective instruction and assessment practices? – tracking evidence of student growth – for all and subgroups?
How did we do? Plus / Delta Chart Plus Delta
District Planning Team Time
For Your Consideration Based upon what you heard today from others and your own reflection… – what might you incorporate into your year-long evaluation teacher cycle? – what might you incorporate into your year-long principal cycle? – what adjustments might you make with regard to monitoring student growth goals? – what are your next steps? sharing with various stakeholders integration with your professional development plans
Thank You Next Meeting... We will not have a February Session/ it’s Cancelled. Will Meet in March (Bremerton – March 13 th ; and Port Angeles – March 21 st for the Final Student Growth Session, covering: Finishing Up the Year Providing Assistance Summative Scoring