HFA Progress Monitoring and 10 Year Review ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) Meeting Bangkok, April 2014
Background: HFA Progress Monitoring and Review According to the HFA recommendations, Governments have the primary responsibility for taking measures to reduce disaster risks, and reviewing their progress in implementation. UNISDR has been assisting national efforts through a biennial monitoring and review process. This self-assessment process serves as a continuous feedback mechanism to capture trends, areas of progress and challenges with regard to achieving the strategic goals of the HFA. The HFA progress review exercise will provide an important source of information for the 3 rd World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction, to be held in Sendai, Japan in March 2015.
Timeframe for submission: HFA Review Reports Deadline for the submission of Final Reports is 13 March 2015 There is no official deadline for the submission of Interim Reports, which can also be submitted until 13 March 2015, however… The 6th AMCDRR, GAR15, and 10 Year Review of the HFA, will be informed by conclusions drawn in the national reports, therefore… Should governments wish to contribute to these processes, they are encouraged to submit their interim reports by 30 June 2014 through the online National HFA Monitor: monitoring/national/?pid:73&pih:2
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National HFA Monitoring Focal Points: Sub-regionName South AsiaMs. Madhavi South East AsiaMs. Hang Thi Thanh PacificMr. Timothy North East AsiaMr. Armen
HFA 10 Year Review
IV Review of 10 Years of Implementation of the HFA UN General Assembly Resolution on the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (A/RES/68/211) adopted 20 December 2013: 12. Decides that the Third World Conference will…..have the following objectives: (a)To complete the assessment and review of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; (b)To consider the experience gained through the regional and national strategies/institutions and plans for disaster risk reduction and their recommendations as well as relevant regional agreements under the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; 29. ….. in order to assess outcomes, requests the Secretary-General to lead a review process on the 10 years of implementation of the Hyogo Framework;
IV - The review will be produced for the Second Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee meeting (PrepCom 2) of the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. - PrepCom2 takes place on November 2014, in the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. -In the Asia Pacific Region, the UNISDR Office will lead the compilation of the HFA 10 Year Review gathering information from the previous National HFA Monitoring cycles and the Regional Synthesis Reports that have been produced on a biannual basis. - We also encourage partners and countries to do their own 10 Year Review, if they wish to do so. Their inputs will be integrated and reflected in the final 10 Year Review. Review of 10 Years of Implementation of the HFA
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