Chapter 6.1 (pages 156-161). Key concepts: List five kinds of pollutants. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Describe the impact.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6.1 (pages )

Key concepts: List five kinds of pollutants. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Describe the impact of exotic species. Explain why human population growth has increased. Describe how habitat destruction affects biodiversity. Give two examples of how pollution affects humans.

Key Vocabulary: Pollution Renewable resource Nonrenewable resource Overpopulation Biodiversity

Imagine if your world was this: How would you have to change?

Pollution: Pollution an unwanted changein the environment caused by substances How do scientists classify pollution: – Garbage – Chemicals – High-powered waste – Gases: a HUGE problem – Noise Which of these do you think is the biggest problem? Know examples of each of these: High-powered: nuclear waste

Renewable vs. Non-renewable: Renewable resource: one that can be replaced at the same rate that it is used – Solar and wind – Kudzo and bamboo Non-renewable resource: one that cannot be replaced or that can be replaced only over thousands/millions of years – Fossil fuels and mineral – Fresh Water???

Food for thought: ObjectDecomposition Time Styrofoam container> 1 million years Plastic jug1 million years Aluminum can years Disposable diaper550 years Tinned can90 years Leather shoe45 years Wool sock1 year Paper bag1 month Banana peel3-4 weeks

Exotic/Invasive Species: The carrying of exotic species to places that they don’t live causes problems! – Organism that makes a home for itself in a new place outside its native home – Examples: Boa python in Florida Northern snakehead Kudzu What do you think is the problem with this?

Human Population Explosion! What has helped human population growth explode??? Immunizations Medicine Toilets Hygiene Refrigerators J-curve BUT is it a good thing? What about food supply? Land?

Habitat destruction: Biodiversity: the number and variety of organisms in a given area during a specific period of time – We need materials from the environment for human needs – Deforestation – Loss of rain forest – Mining – Point-Source Pollution – Nonpoint-source pollution Dumping Pictures: - What d oyou think?

What can you do? Humans

Pollution effect on humans? How are we effected by the types of pollution known today? – Chernobyl? – Japan? – Chemicals in the water? Pictures: The horrors of man are our responsibility…

Post-it Time: What can you do?

Review: Pollutants include garbage, chemicals, high-energy wastes, gases, and noise. Renewable resources can be used over and over. Nonrenewable resources cannot be replaced or are replaced over thousands or millions of years. Exotic species can become pests and compete with native species. Overpopulation happens when a population is so large that it can’t get what it needs to survive. Habitat destruction can lead to soil erosion, water pollution, and decreased biodiversity. In addition to harming the environment, pollution can harm humans.

Homework: Questions on page 161: Write the ? – Do this on the back of your notes: – # 3-12 Questions on page 161: Write the ? – Do this on the back of your notes: – # 3-12