Educator Effectiveness System Changes Overview Using Data to Drive Effective Teaching Elizabeth Ayotte – EES Support, BKM Complex Daniel Espaniola – EO EES, HLLM Complex
Objectives for Today Become familiar with what the differentiated cycles are for SY Learn about timelines related to EES components Understand the PDPDP and PDP and its purpose Review mandatory trainings for teachers for SY Clarification on any of the changes to EES The new look of PDE3
Evaluation Cycle Implementation Timeline (For Teachers Rated Effective or Better) Group AStreamlinedStandardStreamlined Group BStreamlined Standard Non Tenured teachers and tenured teachers rated less than effective will be on an ANNUAL ENHANCED Comprehensive evaluation. Tenured teachers rated as effective or better will participate in an alternating schedule of Standard Comprehensive and Streamlined Comprehensive evaluation. **OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES will publish a schedule related to group A and B participants in Spring of 2016.
A tenured teacher with no EES Rating from SY will be on a STANDARD evaluation track Reasons a tenured teacher would not have an EES rating may include: - On extended leave - Completed probation on PEP-T - Returning from TA VP position
Expectations for ENHANCED Cycle for CLASSROOM Teacher Classroom Observations2 observation cycles or more per year, 1x in Fall and 1x in Spring semester. Core Professionalism (and Tripod)All classroom teachers will document and submit evidence within Domain 4 in PDE3 and reflect on student surveys (Gr. 3-12). Hawaii Growth ModelClassroom teachers who teach ELA and Math in grades 4- 8 will roster verify in the Spring and receive growth data for their students. Beginning teachers will not receive SGP data due to the one year lag. Student Learning ObjectiveTeachers will complete 1 SLO using the template and record sheet. PDPDP or PDPUsing data from areas within EES, target areas of growth or improvement within Teacher Practice and Student Growth and develop goals. *The PDPDP should be designed and approved within the first 30 days from the first day of instruction.
Expectations for SY for STANDARD Cycle for CLASSROOM Teacher Classroom Observation (s) 1 observation or more a year Core Professionalism (and Tripod)All classroom teachers will document and submit evidence within Domain 4 in PDE3 and reflect on the student survey (Gr. 3-12). Hawaii Growth ModelClassroom teachers who teach ELA and Math in grades 4-8 will roster verify in the Spring and receive growth data for their students. Student Learning ObjectiveTeachers will complete 1 SLO. PDPUsing data from areas within EES, or school or complex needs, target area of growth or improvement. This will be shared at the beginning of year conference with administrator for approval.
Expectations for for STREAMLINED Cycle for CLASSROOM Teacher Classroom Observation(s)No classroom observation(s) required. Core Professionalism (and Tripod)Reflection on student survey results embedded with the PDP if applicable. Hawaii Growth ModelReflection on Student Growth results embedded within the PDP if applicable. Student Learning ObjectiveCompletion of template not required. *Expectation to participate in data teams and monitor student results as a normal part of teaching. PDPUsing data from areas within EES, or school or complex needs, target area of growth or improvement. This will be shared at the beginning of year conference with administrator for approval. *If a teacher demonstrates a documented performance deficiency, their Administrator can place them on a STANDARD evaluation immediately.
Professional Development Plan (PDP) Teachers rated Effective or better Teachers submits evidence for completion before Ending Conference Progress check suggested by the first week in Jan Completion of the plan is a matter of professional responsibility but progress on Plan can be used as evidence in Core Professionalism Identify areas of growth and develop goals Share the Plan with administrator before the end of 1 st quarter
Principal Directed Professional Development Plan Teachers rated Less than Effective Use previous EES data to identify areas of targeted growth and learning as directed or in collaboration with administrator Plan must be approved by Principal 30 days from the first day of instruction Progress is monitored by the teachers and Administrator. It can be used as evidence for the EES rating. Failure to make progress on a PDPDP may results in an Unsatisfactory Core Professionalism rating.
Overview Training for Teachers NEW to the EES Teacher PracticeStudent Growth and Learning -Intro to the Framework for Teaching -Working Portfolio -Core Professionalism *Complete by AUGUST 31 st -SLO / SSIO -Hawaii Growth Model *Complete by AUGUST 31 st *Late hires must complete the overview training and view the EES Orientation video, prior to being evaluated. Online modules will be provided through a course in PDE3. EES ORIENTATION *All teachers during an Administrative Day*
DeadlineComponent Prior to first day of instructionEES OrientationAll teachers participate 8/31EES OverviewAny teachers NEW to EES (e.g. do not have a prior EES rating) 9/4SLO/SSIOEvaluator approves 1 st semester SLO/SSIO for implementation 9/10PDPDPAny teacher rated less than effective will complete at the direction of his/her evaluator, *within the first 30 days of instruction. 10/2PDPEvaluator review PDP goals 10/2SLO/SSIOEvaluator approves Yearlong SLO/SSIO for implementation 10/31Working PortfolioEvaluator and NCT agree to and approve Working Portfolio components 2/19SLO/SSIOEvaluator approves 2 nd semester SLO/SSIO for implementation 5/20Final EES RatingEvaluator finalizes and locks components and provides overall EES rating