The task stage The task stage They do the task in pairs or in small groups. TEACHER SHOULD: Make sure ss are clear about the objectives, and that they are doing the right task. Monitor, though not so actively. Stand back. Let ss get on with the task on their own. Observe from a slight distance. Help only as a last resort. Encourages all ss to take part. Comment positively and briefly about content, and about the way some ss did the task (noticed while monitoring) Act as a time-keeper (set time limits, short preferably).
The task stage The task stage They do the task in pairs or in small groups. TEACHER SHOULD NOT: Teach. Interfere, in order to help by correcting or suggesting better ways of doing the task. (Help out only if there is a major communication breakdown). Pay much attention to errors of form.
Reasons for a Report stage The task helps the learner develop both fluency in the target language and strategies for communication, but, to some extent, at the expense of grammatical accuracy. Because the Report stage, meant for an audience, constitutes a natural stimulus for ss to use accurate language, they try to: -avoid making mistakes; -organise clearly their message; and -use appropriate language for specific situations or circumstances.
The Planning stage The Planning stage They prepare the report (orally, in writing, audio or video) about the task: what they did, how they did it, what they found. TEACHER SHOULD: Tell ss what the purpose of the report is, the kind of information they have to pay attention to, and what they will do with that information. Inform ss about the audience (in case it is not the same group), the form the report should take, the resources they can use, how long the presentation should be (time limit for oral presentations, or number of words/lines/paragraphs for written reports). Act as a language adviser (give feedback, help ss to correct, rephrase, rehearse and/or draft the written report).
The Planning stage The Planning stage They prepare the report (orally, in writing, audio or video) about the task: what they did, how they did it, what they found. TEACHER SHOULD: Re-assign roles when some ss tend to do all the work. Wait until s/he is asked for help (ss learn best when they work out things by themselves). Help ss shape their meanings and express more exactly what they want to say. Suggest ways to improve work at a general level (alternative wordings). Explore options together. Teach how to use resources, such as the use of dictionnaires. Signal only the most important errors/mistakes, and encourage peer help/correction. Provide ss with samples (of previous ss’ work) of what they are expected to do.
The Report stage The Report stage They report the task (orally, in writing, audio or video) to the whole class. TEACHER SHOULD: Be encouraging. Act as a chairperson: -Set the purpose for listening to the report: what ss will do with the information. -Introduce the presentations. -Nominate who speaks next. -Keep time. Presentations should last no more than two minutes. Stop the presentations when they have become repetitive and no different information would be added by the remaining teams.
The Report stage They report the task (orally, in writing, audio or video) to the whole class. TEACHER SHOULD: Give feedback mainly on content but also on form. Take notes/notice of weak áreas: expressions, phrases, patterns that need to be clarified/corrected. Be careful when giving feedback: handle it tactfully and positively. Give examples of good expressions used by ss. Allow peer correction by pausing or leaving a blank where the error/mistake is, so that ss can complete with the right word/phrase.
The Report stage They report the task (orally, in writing, audio or video) to the whole class. TEACHER SHOULD: Consider the possibility of sticking the ss’ writings on the classroom walls so that they can walk around and read each other’s work (for written reports). Sum up the presentations at the end. React first positively to the content, either by asking questions (Who was the st who…?) or by praising ss’ reports (What an interesting story!). Focus and comment on the things ss are doing right or on areas in which they show improvement.
The Report stage The Report stage They report the task (orally, in writing, audio or video) to the whole class. TEACHER SHOULD: Have ss write their own views on their performance: what they think they have learned, how they think they have benefited. End the report stage by acknowledging ss’ efforts and by showing genuine interest in what they have done, said, or written.