1 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year 2010 May 28, 2009 New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Special Education
2 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year 2010 Agenda Introductions Purpose of today’s training is to understand how to complete the FY’10 ( ) IDEA Entitlement Application. What’s New / What’s Different Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School. Maintenance of Effort. Tidbits and Clues for a Quicker Application Process.
3 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) A LEA may use up to 15% total of: IDEA Part B and Preschool Entitlement grants IDEA Recovery: Part B and Preschool grants Approved activity for children who are not currently identified as children needing special education or related services. but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. Grades K-12, with an emphasis on K-3. LEA must document numbers and tracking information. IDEA Application page 3 & Instruction packet pages 7-8.
4 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Calculating CEIS FY 10 – IDEA Regular Entitlement $352,984 IDEA Regular Pre -School $ 11,292 Total $364,276 IDEA Recovery Part B $404,847 IDEA Recovery Pre-School $ 10,347 Total $415,194
5 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Calculating CEIS when reducing MOE Combined Total$779,470 Minus MOE Reduction$206,175 Funds Available$573,295 Times CEIS %.15 CEIS Allocation$ 85,994
6 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10)) How will the IDEA Recovery Funds be included in the calculation for proportionate share of IDEA funds for services to parentally- placed private school children? An LEA must first aggregate the FY 2010 Regular Entitlement funds and IDEA Recovery Funds for Part B only and then apply the proportionate share formula.
7 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) LEA is responsible to spend the proportionate share of the FY’2010 Part B entitlement funds to provide special education and related services to parentally placed private school children with disabilities. 34CFR§ (b) An LEA must first aggregate the FY 2010 Regular Entitlement Funds and IDEA Recovery Funds for Part B only and then apply the proportionate share formula. IDEA Application page 4 includes Part I,II, & III & Instruction.
8 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) When completing the consultation with private schools for the 2009 – 2010 school year proportionate share, please keep in mind the total amount of the proportionate share when determining services for parentally-placed private school children with disabilities.
9 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) You do not need to calculate the proportionate share if: you have no private schools in your district at the time of consultation, or you have no children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private schools in your jurisdiction.
10 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) What is the district responsibility if a private school does not want services from the school district? Districts are responsible to consult with private school representatives and parents to ensure equitable participation of services for this group of children. Districts must document attempts made to complete the consultation with private schools and parents or document completion of the consultation. The district must calculate the proportionate share and if the funds are not used, then they will be carried over into the following year.
11 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) Part I Acknowledgement of Private Schools LEA’s must check the listing of NH approved non public schools at FHExpByTownOpen.pdf FHExpByTownOpen.pdf If no private elementary schools or secondary schools located in your district, Or If private elementary or secondary schools are located in your district list private elementary and secondary schools. And Submit completed “Affirmation of Consultation “ for each private school. Form is included in Appendix A. Instruction packet pages 8 & 9
12 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) Instruction packet page 9. Part II – Funds to be carried forward FY’09 ( ) for parentally placed children with disabilities LEA has not expended the proportionate share in the year the funds were appropriated then it is required to show the amount set aside for that purpose. Amount that has been expended during the current fiscal year. Amount of funds carried over.
13 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) Part II Continued Calculation for Carry forward – (a) Number of children (b) Per child proportional share FY’09 (c) FY’09 allocated amount (d) FY’09 proportional funds expended (e) Amount of funds carried forward to FY’10
14 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) ) Part III Proportional Share for FY’10 Calculation for Carry forward – (a) Number of children (b) Per child proportional share FY’10 Total Entitlement and Recovery divided by the total number of children with disabilities (both private and LEA). Keep Entitlement and Recovery separate. (c) FY’10 allocated amount number of children with disabilities in private schools times “b.”
15 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School (20 U.S.C.1412(a) (10) Activity Description Page Use completed page 4 Determine funds to be carried forward Figure the Proportional Share IDEA Part B Section 611 funds Activity, Function/Object/IDEA –B Amount Instruction packet page 9
16 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Supplement vs. Supplant Any and all IDEA, Part B funds must be used to supplement and not supplant State, Local, and Federal Funds.
17 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Maintenance of Effort – Maintenance of Effort – An LEA may not use its Part B Funds to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the LEA from local funds below the level of those expenditures for the preceding fiscal year. 34CFR§ (a) An LEA may not use its Part B Funds to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the LEA from local funds below the level of those expenditures for the preceding fiscal year. 34CFR§ (a)
18 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) LEA spends at least the same amount of local and state funds this year for special education as it spent last year, or provides justification for decrease. 34CFR§
19 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 In any fiscal year when an LEA receives a subgrant allocation that exceeds the amount in the previous year, the LEA may reduce the level of local or state expenditures by up to 50% of the increase in the subgrant allocation. 34CFR§ (a) The LEA must spend the ‘freed-up’ local, or state and local, funds on activities that are under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of CFR§ (b)
20 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Flexible authority available under IDEA Is available only for LEAs who have been identified by the NHDOE as a LEA who “meets requirements” through the district determination process for The NHDOE is in the processing of making district determinations.
21 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Using the Flexible Authority Step 1 – Has your district been identified for the school year as “meets requirements?” If yes, please proceed to step 2. If no, then you are not able to utilize the flexible authority.
22 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Using the Flexible Authority Step 2 – Has your district documented to the NHDOE a maintenance of effort for FY’10? If yes, then proceed to Step 3
23 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Step 3 – Has your LEA’s current allocation exceeded the allocation that was received in the previous year for IDEA? FY 09 – IDEA Regular Entitlement $355,151 IDEA Regular Pre -School $ 11,970 Total $367,121
24 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 FY 10 – IDEA Regular Entitlement $352,984 IDEA Regular Pre -School $ 11,292 Total $364,276 IDEA Recovery Part B $404,847 IDEA Recovery Pre-School $ 10,347 Total $415,194
25 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 FY’10 - Combined Total $779,470 Minus FY’09 Total $367,121 Total $412,349 Your LEA’s current allocation exceeded the allocation that was received in the previous year for IDEA, proceed to Step 4.
26 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Step 4 – Since your LEA’s total exceeds the amount in the previous year, the next step is that the LEA may reduce the level of local or state expenditures by up to 50% of the increase in the subgrant allocation. 50% of the $412,349 = $206,175.
27 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Fiscal Year 2010 Reducing your Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Step 5 – Reducing your Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Your LEA is able to reduce the amount of local, state and local and state funds by the increase calculated in Step 4. FY 2010 Maintenance of Effort $1,899,000 Minus Flexibility Authority $ 206,175 FY 2010 Maintenance of Effort $1,692,825 Base for the Maintenance of Effort for the following year $206,175 is now considered “freed up monies” can be spent on ESEA activities.
28 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Tidbits and Clues for a Quicker Application Process Instructions pages 3 through 8 Project Start Date – Cover Page Anticipated start date service will be provided with federal special education funds. Start date cannot be earlier than the date received at the Department of Education. In no cases can it be earlier that the start date of the fiscal year, July 1, Multiple –District SAU choices If you want separate grants per District, you must submit complete applications for each district, including a cover page. If you want a consolidated application, you must submit a completed page 7 of the Application entitled “Consolidated Application.“
29 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year 2010 Application ~ Page 2 Project Description Instructions pages 2 through 7. The Project Description ~ Page 2 Priority to be Addressed, Activities, Function/ Object and Amounts. More than one Project Description page 2 Additional project description pages(2a-2k) are located in Appendix A Priorities ~ New Hampshire Special Education State Performance Plan/Annual Report 08%20SPP%20APR/February2008APRSPP.htm 08%20SPP%20APR/February2008APRSPP.htm
30 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Application ~ Page 5 NIMAS/NIMAC 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(23),147(e) National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) and National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC). Special Education FY’06 Memo #23. District assurance of participation with NIMAC. Or, the District provides assurance that the requirement will be met without NIMAC. Instructions page 11.
31 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Charter School Assurances 20 U.S.C. 1411(e) The LEA must provide information annually to demonstrate with respect to Charter schools of the LEA, the LEA will: (a) Serve children with disabilities attending those schools in the same manner as it serves children with disabilities in its other schools; and (b) Provide funds under Part B of the Act to those schools in the same manner, or (c) If there are no charter schools that are public schools of the LEA in the jurisdiction of the LEA, please check the box provided. Special Education FY’07 Memo #1, July 12, Instructions page10.
32 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Charter School Assurances 20 U.S.C. 1411(e) “Charter School” means an open enrollment public school, operated independent of any school board of education to supervise and control Charter school. The New Hampshire State Board of Education is authorized to approve Charter schools. Currently there are no Charter schools that are public schools of the LEA. The child’s LEA of residence remains responsible to provide FAPE. proval/CharterSchools/CharterSchoolsHomePage.htm proval/CharterSchools/CharterSchoolsHomePage.htm
33 Assurance Part II 12 Assurances Fully complete all sections including page numbers Do not submit the actual document Assurance that the school district will meet IDEA requirements involving Participation in State & District Wide Assessments Special Education FY’07 Memo #18, January 14, 2007 Assurance that the school district will meet the IDEA 04 compliance requirements regarding the McKinney-Vento Act Application page 9 & Instructions pages 11, 12, &13 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Assurance Documentation Section II
34 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Assurance Documentation Section III Review application pages 10 & 11. List each separate LEA participating in the request. Superintendent or other authorized personnel must sign and date the form for each LEA participating. Instruction Packet pages 13 & 14.
35 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Approval Process Bureau of Special Education Grant Approval Review of the Application Bureau of Special Education Financial Approval Review of the Form 1 in comparison to Project Description pages Checklists are sent to District Only areas that need attention are identified on the checklists Instructions pages 14 & 15.
36 Purchased Services Contracts and Agreements In cases where the contract or purchased services agreement is negotiated with a sole source of procurement and the aggregate amount of expenditure will exceed $5,000.00, page 34 of the Federal Funds Financial Management Manual requires their submission to the Department of Education for prior approval. Contracts LEAs enter into with individual related services providers or private educational agencies or institutions fall into this category when the contract price is greater than $5, Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Contracts
37 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Contracts If the contract amount is less than $5, for each individual related services providers or private educational agencies or institutions then please indicate this on the project description page. In all contract situations, whether short or long term, negotiated or competitively bid, the fiscal agent for federal funds must adhere to the procurement standards described on pages 33 and 34 of the Federal Funds Financial Management Manual. The original copy of any contract must be kept with the financial records of the project.
38 Completing the Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Tips Allocations have been determined for each district. These figures are the entitlement amounts that should be used in preparation of your request for federal special education funds. These figures reflect the formula that went into effect in Fiscal Year 2000 for IDEA and Fiscal Year 1997 as described by Code of Federal Regulation Part Special Education Memo FY ’ 09 Memo #34 mos/FY09Memorandum.htm mos/FY09Memorandum.htm
39 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Application Key Forms Instructions pages 14 &15 Form 1 – your request for funds You submit to the Bureau of Special Education Form 2 – DOE authorization to expend funds The Bureau issues once your application is approved
40 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year 2010 Tips ~ Form 1 Instructions page 14 Front of the Form 1 Superintendent or authorized designee original signature on the Form 1 every time you submit changes or revisions. Signature on all pages of the Form 1. Change # on the Form 1 is “original” until the project number is assigned by the Department. The Fiscal Agent on the Form 1 must be only one of the following: SAU Superintendent or District Treasurer.
41 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Application Training Fiscal Year 2010 Tips & Tidbits Form 1 Back of the Form 1 The top section and bottom of the Form 1 must equal. Provide a description of each Function/Object line of the Form 1 in the bottom section. Indirect Costs must be calculated correctly (rounding up is not allowed). The amount is based on direct project costs only. Instructions pages 14 &15..
42 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Fiscal Year 2010 Revision vs. Change A Revision occurs prior to the issuance of the original Form 2. A Change occurs after the issuance of the original Form 2.
43 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Fiscal Year 2010 Submitting Revisions Prior to issuance of original Form 2: Submit - a cover letter that explains the revisions. corrected Project Description Pages only. corrected Pages 3-13, if needed. corrected Form 1. DO NOT submit entire packet again, unless requested. Instructions page 15.
44 Annual Request for Special Education Funds Fiscal Year 2010 Submitting Changes After issuance of original Form 2: Submit - new Form 1 with changes. letter justifying changes, along with clear explanation of what those changes are. Example: We are changing 1200/110 (personnel) for $4,000 to 1200/300 (contracted services) for $4,000. The employee was unavailable to provide speech services, so we had to contract for these services Instructions page 15.
45 Send original and one (1) copy of application, revisions, changes, and correspondence to: Tamela Dalrymple New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Special Education Attn: Application for Special Education Funding 101 Pleasant Street Concord New Hampshire Telephone: Fax: Annual Request for Special Education Funds Fiscal Year 2010