ICT In INDONESIA Yesika Kristina Dea Pradana Darmawan Sukianti Merianti Meshiya Caterlee 06 PLM
Outline ICT Definition IT Career in Indonesia Required IT Skill In Indonesia The Indonesian skill in ICT compared with other countries Absorb new technology IT In Banking Conclusion Suggestion
ICT Definition Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. ICT Focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
IT Career in Indonesia
Required Skill − IT applications − IT infrastructural − IT security − IT Usage
The Indonesian skill in ICT compared with other countries
Absorb New Technology How do people in Indonesia can quickly absorb new technology? What are the obstacle to absorb new technology?
IT In Banking Internet banking : allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secured website operated by the institution, which can be a retail bank, virtual bank, credit union or building society.
Conclusion By keeping up-to-date to technologies, not only we can adapt to the current world’s situation but we can also make the best of technologies and reduce waste that are done by non-technology tools beforehand. We seriously need to filter what new technologies we need to accept and implement. The obstacles of Indonesians to absorb new technologies: - Budget - Conservational mindset
Suggestion Keep updating with the development of technology is important in order or to survive in the globalization era. As a learner we may not stop learning new things, in order to improve the knowledge and skill. Government should support the activities that will give advantages to country, such as IT infrastructure.
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