Section D Text Reading Evaluation
1 List 2 factors that would motivate people to consider alternative resources.
2 These are the fundamental building blocks of matter.
3 List the three ways that members of the Periodic Table are classified.
4 Chemquandry 2 talked about 3 substances. List 2 of the 3.
5 Define the term Allotrope~
6 Represent the two allotrope forms of oxygen.
7 Why do we call the graphite in pencils “lead”?
8 Explain the differences between #1 pencils & #4 pencils.
9 Engineered ceramics are mainly made of this material.
10 List some benefits of ceramics that would allow them to replace steel.
11 List 1 pro and 1 con for Plastics.
12 Describe Fiber Optics.
13 Define the term Alloy~
14 What would be a more accurate name for the U.S. 5 cent coin?
15 What two elements form Brass?