CENF target facility civil engineering specifications – summary M. Calviani (EN/STI) for the CENF-SBWG team Neutrino Platform Meeting 30 th October 2014
Status CENF target facility civil engineering specification document approved and released 29 th October 2014 EDMS (SPS-LCENF-ES-0001) EDMS October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting2 CERN
Status Drawings associated (CERN ): General cuts of the installation: EDMS (SPSLCENF0001) EDMS EDMS (SPSLCENF0002) EDMS EDMS (SPSLCENF0003) EDMS Implantation of the facility on the Prevessin area: EDMS (CENFCE ) EDMS To be completed by GS/SE (connection of GT26 tunnel and road access for 7% slot compatibility) 30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting3
30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting4
30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting5 ES pdf
Plan with ARCADIS According to discussion with GS/SE, the work with ARCADIS could start by beginning of December … but we need to clarify the scope And check whether the present CE requirements meet what has been requested in the contract 30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting6
Priorities for the CE study with ARCADIS 1.Review the 2D drawings with the appropriate sizing Floor loadings, supporting foundations, seismic considerations, under pressure requirements, etc. 2.Construction methods and compatibility with existing infrastructure (see chapter 2.6 of the spec.) 30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting7
Priorities for the CE study with ARCADIS 30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting8 3.Analyse in detail the water ingress/egress issue, proposing solutions for the problem (see chapter 3) Protection against water ingress Against rainwater, collected before entering geomembrane Protection against uncontrolled water egress To be collected in dedicated sump areas before touching zone outside geomembrane Implement geomembrane/geotextiles, location based on activation studies (see SPSLCENF***) Design collection drains (inspectable after operation)
Conclusions 30 October 2014M. Calviani - Neutrino Platform meeting9 Detailed CE specifications have been prepared (and approved) for the CENF target facility EDMS (SPS-LCENF-ES-0001) EDMS Considering the no-go for CENF construction at this stage, we should decide at which level of detail we proceed with ARCADIS in the design phase Support drawings are essentially ready, so discussions could/should start ASAP