Classification Practice
1. I am made of many cells. My cells have an organized nucleus 1. I am made of many cells. My cells have an organized nucleus. I can have one parent or two parents. I make my own food. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Plantae
2. I can make my own food, but sometimes I also eat food 2. I can make my own food, but sometimes I also eat food. I can have either one or two parents. My cells have an organized nucleus. I am usually made of one cell, but sometimes I am made of many cells. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Protista
3. I can make my own food, but sometimes I eat food 3. I can make my own food, but sometimes I eat food. I am singled celled, and I only have one parent. My cell does not have an organized nucleus. Sometimes I cause diseases and other times I am a decomposer. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Eubacteria
4. I am made of many cells. My cells have an organized nucleus 4. I am made of many cells. My cells have an organized nucleus. I have two parents and I eat food. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Animalia
5. My cells have an organized nucleus 5. My cells have an organized nucleus. I am usually made of many cells, but sometimes I can be singled celled. I cannot make my own food, so I must get food. I can have one or two parents. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Fungi
6. I am only made of one cell 6. I am only made of one cell. My cell does not have an organized nucleus. I only have one parent. Sometimes I make my own food, but other times, I eat food. I like to live in volcano vents, salt water of deep oceans, or the freezing cold of the Arctic. What Kingdom do I belong in? Kingdom Archaebacteria